HC Deb 30 March 2004 vol 419 cc1333-4W
Mrs. Iris Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, what procedures relatives will be required to use to obtain tissue from consented hospital and coroner post mortems when the new legislation is implemented. [164576]

Angela Smith

In January 2004 I launched a public consultation document entitled "Post Mortem Examinations—Good Practice in Consent and the Care of the Bereaved". It contains new draft consent forms and guidance, which address relatives' wishes for the return or disposal of tissue. It also takes account of the provisions of the new Human Tissue Bill currently before Parliament. The consultation period ends on 27 April 2004 and it is anticipated that the Department will issue final guidance to the HPSS towards the end of 2004. This will be made available to relatives through the Relatives'Reference Group and the Department's web site. It is too early at this stage to say what the new procedures will be but the principle of consent will underpin them all.