HC Deb 23 March 2004 vol 419 cc750-1W
Mr. Best

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on relations between the United Kingdom and Laos. [156237]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

Our relations with Laos are not extensive. There is only modest trade between the two countries, and our contacts with the Lao Government are limited. We are keen to see the development of democracy and of the economy in Laos and, in particular, improvements in its human rights performance.

We do not have an Embassy in Laos. Our Embassy in Bangkok is accredited to Laos, and Embassy staff visit periodically and monitor major developments there, including the human rights situation. Around 20,000 British nationals visit Laos each year. Consular facilities are kindly provided by the Australian Embassy in Vientiane.

Mr. Best

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what representations he has made to the Laos Government regarding the treatment of Christians. [156238]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

We are aware of reports of the mistreatment of Christians in Laos. Our Embassy in Bangkok (which is accredited to Laos) monitors the situation.

Our contacts with the Laos Government are limited, but we have raised our human rights concerns on a number of occasions either in bilateral contacts or through the European Union. Most recently, for example, in January the Deputy Head of Mission at our Embassy in Bangkok raised human rights and the persecution of Christians with HE Madam Khempheng Pholsena, the Lao Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Promotion of human rights, including freedom of thought, conscience and religion, is at the heart of our foreign policy. We condemn instances where individuals are persecuted because of their faith or belief, wherever they happen and whatever the religion of the individual or group concerned.

We will continue to raise our concerns with the Lao authorities when opportunities arise.

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