HC Deb 23 March 2004 vol 419 cc784-8W
Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many(a) arrests were made, (b) people were charged, (c) cautions were issued and (d) convictions there were in Greater London, broken down by (i) police force, (ii) constituency and (iii) local authority area in each year since 1997. [162336]

Ms Blears

It is not possible, from the statistics collected centrally on arrests, court proceedings and cautions, to identify constituencies in the Greater London Area, but the tables show the available information:

Table A relates to persons arrested in the Greater London Area, by police force area and is limited to arrests for notifiable offences and covers the financial years, 1999–2000 to 2002–03. Arrest figures are not collected centrally below police for area.

Table B relates to persons proceeded against for offences in the Greater London Area (statistics of people charged are not collected centrally) and those convicted in each borough in Outer London and each magistrates court in Inner London (it is not possible from the statistics collected centrally to identify boroughs in Inner London). The figures include persons convicted at the Crown court when committed for trial or sentence from the courts/boroughs shown.

Table B: Number1 of persons proceeded against and found guilty of all offences in Greater London2 by police force area and magistrates' court/London Borough—1997 to 20021
1997 1998 1999
Persons proceeded against Persons found guilty Persons proceeded against persons found guilty Persons proceeded against Persons found guilty
Inner London magistrates' courts2 City of London Police
Guildhall Justice Rooms 8,462 6,315 9,282 6,416 9,109 6,523
Metropolitan Police
Bow Street3 12,671 10,122 9,514 7,665 7,345 5,796
Camberwell Green/Tower Bridge 24,196 18,273 25,690 19,521 23,353 17,555
Greenwich/Woolwich 12,903 10,352 15,289 12,519 14,264 11,481
Highbury Corner4 22,061 16,070 19,732 14,937 16,079 12,287
Horseferry Road 11,052 8,819 13,118 10,519 13,878 11,463
Marylebone 12,615 9,346 15,208 11,898 13,563 10,015
South Western 10,788 8,203 9,990 7,411 9,774 7,594
Thames 9,777 6,995 4,506 3,505 14,658 10,347
West London 11,009 7,960 12,735 9,320 10,940 7,736
Inner London Youth Courts5 767 704 9 229 n/a 191
Outer London Boroughs Metropolitan Police
Barking and Dagenham 2,673 2,073 3,396 2,508 3,399 2,610
Barnet 7,625 6,210 8,440 7,085 7,365 6,020
Bexley 2,390 1,761 2,436 1,756 2,613 1,935
Brent 10,943 7,912 10,264 7,910 9,607 7,525
Bromley 5,890 4,497 6,145 4,868 5,189 4,171
Croydon 10,341 7,467 11,545 9,474 8,570 6,793
Ealing 7,313 5,217 6,176 4,502 5,626 4,137
Enfield 4,071 2,777 5,028 3,796 6,543 5,106
Haringey 6,768 5,000 7,462 5,575 8,141 5,898
Harrow 4,143 2,822 4,505 3,440 4,463 3,185
Havering 4,650 3,699 3,612 2,703 4,601 3,661
Hillingdon 7,597 5,817 7,901 6,142 7,220 5,538
Hounslow 8,327 6,013 9,129 6,815 8,570 6,138
Kingston-upon-Thames 4,171 3,109 4,189 3,103 3,692 2,789
Merton 5,206 4,128 4,657 3,833 4,311 3,487
Newham 7,901 5,892 9,200 7,144 8,873 6,837
Redbridge 5,533 4,256 5,648 4,484 5,134 4,099
Richmond-upon-Thames 3,311 2,452 3,585 2,686 2,779 2,152
Sutton 3,311 2,452 3,585 2,686 2,779 2,152
Waltham Forest 6,572 4,755 6,987 5,373 6,074 4,532
Total Metropolitan Police 247,176 185,787 249,388 193,337 240,130 183,845
Total Greater London 255,638 192,102 258,670 199,753 249,239 190,368

Table C shows persons cautioned for all offences (excluding summary motoring offences for which cautions are not issued) by police force area. Caution figures are not collected centrally below police force area.

Table A: Persons arrested for notifiable offences recorded by the Police, by police force area, Greater London, 1999–2000 to 2002–03
Police force area 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03
Metropolitan police 202,218 180,634 179,358 186,808
City of London n/a 4,286 4,398 4,577
Greater London 1207,600 184,920 183,756 191,385
n/a = Not available.
1 Estimated.

Note: Information for earlier years is not available on consistent basis.

2000 2001 2002
Persons proceeded against Persons found guilty Persons proceeded against Persons found guilty Persons proceeded against Persons found guilty
Inner London magistrates' courts2
City of London Police
Guildhall Justice Rooms 10,815 8,719 11,262 9,552 10,338 8,078
Metropolitan Police
Bow Street3 6,908 5,512 6,152 4,550 7,757 5,874
Camberwell Green/Tower Bridge 18,745 13,597 15,564 10,493 17,288 12,085
Greenwich/Woolwich 11,834 8,780 11,788 8,627 13,595 10,481
Highbury Corner4 13,696 10,141 10,857 7,287 12,174 8,761
Horseferry Road 14,950 12,247 18,483 14,912 15,460 12,487
Marylebone 14,728 11,782 14,405 11,835 21,268 18,038
South Western 14,106 11,915 13,053 10,711 15,047 12,485
Thames 11,510 7,641 10,554 6,968 11,638 7,657
West London 11,117 7,348 11,086 6,941 11,937 7,914
Inner London Youth Courts5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Outer London Boroughs
Metropolitan Police
Barking and Dagenham 3,800 3,100 3,652 2,905 4,207 3,240
Barnet 8,535 6,988 6,903 5,383 7,400 5,681
Bexley 2,685 1,891 2,676 1,862 2,955 2,159
Brent 9,516 7,366 9,222 7,086 9,412 7,530
Bromley 5,251 4,032 5,472 4,148 6,796 5,224
Croydon 8,066 6,503 8,071 6,333 6,528 4,206
Ealing 5,279 3,571 4,443 3,148 5,852 4,146
Enfield 7,134 5,509 6,149 4,427 8,148 6,213
Haringey 9,728 7,174 8,268 5,569 10,298 7,608
Harrow 4,600 3,379 4,104 2,825 5,404 3,978
Havering 4,542 3,685 4,114 3,086 6,205 4,927
Hillingdon 6,947 5,182 7,246 5,363 8,508 6,681
Hounslow 8,018 5,734 7,349 4,908 5,972 4,300
Kingston-upon-Thames 3,819 2,914 4,179 3,159 4,030 3,149
Merton 4,654 3,850 4,441 3,594 5,032 4,149
Newham 10,587 8,220 9,275 6,733 11,492 8,858
Redbridge 5,470 4,291 4,317 3,278 5,575 4,432
Richmond-upon-Thames 3,199 2,423 3,242 2,381 3,629 2,759
Sutton 2,878 2,251 2,915 2,200 3,233 2,506
Waltham Forest 6,085 4,682 5,770 4,225 6,548 5,234
Total Metropolitan Police 238,387 181,708 223,012 164,937 253,388 192,753
Total Greater London 249,202 190,427 235,012 174,489 263,726 200,831
1 These data are on the principal offence basis.
2 Information held centrally does not allow a breakdown of cases by borough in the Inner London area.
3 Includes Marlborough Street, 1997–99.
4 Includes Clerkenwell and Hampstead, 1997–98.
5 Cases included with adults courts from 1998 (from 1999 for cases heard at the Crown court).

Table C: By police force
Year/Police Cautioned1
City of London 1,146
Metropolitan 53,632
Total 54,778
City of London 751
Metropolitan 57,969
Total 58,720
City of London 709
Metropolitan 46,239
Total 46,948
City of London 559
Metropolitan 36,758
Total 37,317
Table C: By police force
Year/Police Cautioned1
City of London 902
Metropolitan 31,337
Total 32,239
City of London 1,083
Metropolitan 32,088
Total 33,171
1 These data are on the principal offence basis.

Statistics on court proceedings and cautions for 2003 will be published in the autumn.

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