HL Deb 22 March 2004 vol 659 cc76-7WA
Lord Avebury

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What additional measures they consider necessary, in the light of two fatal terrorist attacks on groups of non-governmental organisation workers in the past fortnight, to strengthen security outside Kabul and bring to justice those who are trying to prevent Afghanistan's reconstruction. [HL1553]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean

The UK and the rest of the international community have responded to the security concerns in Afghanistan with additional measures. The UK supports NATO's efforts to expand the role of the International Security Assistance Force beyond Kabul. This includes provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) across Afghanistan, which enable reconstruction by improving security in the regions. The UK is planning to lead a second PRT and run a forward support base for all PRTs in northern Afghanistan. We are also working hard to encourage other nations to contribute to PRTs.

In the longer term, the UK is helping the Afghan Government provide for its own security and law enforcement. We will contribute £18 million for security sector reform (SSR) projects in 2004–05. Over the past two years the UK has supported a range of SSR projects including work to establish a multiethnic national army within a civilian-led Ministry of Defence, and reform of the police force and judicial sector.