HC Deb 17 March 2004 vol 419 cc352-3W
Miss McIntosh

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) in what circumstances a convicted sex offender would be able to drive a school bus without having a Criminal Records Bureau check performed on them; [159199]

(2) whether a person employed by a local authority to drive a school bus would be required to have a Criminal Records Bureau check before taking up the job. [159200]

Ms Blears

Part 5 of the Police Act 1997, under which the Criminal Records Bureau has been established, imposes no requirement for checks to be carried out, but sets out eligibility for a Disclosure. Eligibility criteria for a Standard Disclosure include all persons whose duties include caring for, training, supervising or being in sole charge of children. Those whose duties regularly involve such elements are eligible for an Enhanced Disclosure. In some instances, checks have been made mandatory under other legislation. Where Checks are not mandatory, it is open to the employer to require that checks are carried out. Consideration is being given to the issue of guidance by the Department for Education and Skills as regards school transport arrangements. The activities, including employment, of a convicted sex offender who is on the sex offenders register would be monitored by the police who, if a risk is identified, would take appropriate action.