HL Deb 16 March 2004 vol 659 cc38-9WA
Lord Greaves

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why the explanatory leaflets issued by the Boundary Committee setting out the draft recommendations for unitary local authorities in Lancashire in the event of a regional assembly were distributed in some parts of the county and not in others; and on what basis the decision on where to distribute the leaflets was made. [HL1755]

The Minister of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Lord Rooker)

The conduct of local government reviews, including consultation on the draft recommendations, is a matter for the independent Boundary Committee.

Lord Greaves

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether there will be further public consultation by the Boundary Committee on recommendations for new unitary local authorities in Lancashire and other counties in the event that their revised recommendations are significantly different from their draft recommendations. [HL1756]

Lord Rooker

These are matters for the independent Boundary Committee.