HL Deb 15 March 2004 vol 659 cc26-7WA
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What advice they have given to beekeepers with regard to the handling of products containing the active ingredient imidacloprid. [HL1752]

Lord Whitty

No specific advice is given to beekeepers on the handling of pesticides including those containing imidacloprid, but advice is available to pesticide users via the pesticide label, the code of practice for the safe use of pesticides on farms and holdings, and the spray liaison officer from the British Beekeeping Association.

All pesticides containing imidacloprid approved in the UK are required to state on the label that the product is harmful to bees and must not be used on crops in flower (where they are pesticides approved for agricultural use) or when bees are present (amateur uses).

The code of practice advises pesticide users to check for bees foraging or visiting plants before using the product, to follow the pesticide instructions carefully, and to avoid spray drift into foraging areas. It also advises users to spray in the evening, on a cloudy day, or in the early morning so that use avoids those periods when bees are most active.

Provided these products are used in accordance with their statutory conditions of approval, and in line with the code of practice, they should pose no risk to non-target species or the wider environment.

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