HC Deb 03 March 2004 vol 418 c979W
Mr. Stephen O'Brien

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what steps her Department has

Projects Details
Timesaver Initiative Timesaver has been incorporated as part of the Business.gov programme. The new Businesslink.gov.uk website is a key delivery arm of the programme.
Carter Review of Payroll Services There was general support for the principle of greater use of information technology. The incentive payments to encourage smaller employers with less than 50 employees to file electronically will begin from 2004–05. The electronic filing of employer returns are expected to become a universal requirement from 2010. The payroll support given by Business Support Teams and the employers' help lit le will be expanding.
Small Firms Litmus Test Revised Small Firms Impact Test introduced in February 2003 as part of new Regulatory Impact Assessment process. A database of businesses has been developed to assist policy makers.
Revitalising Local Business Partnerships SBS introduced a Partnership Fund which aims to build on the work currently undertaken by LBPs and encourage LBPs to promote and sustain partnerships. The LBP website was launched in 2001. SBS provide a forum highlighting best practices within the partnerships. SBS have a part-time national LBP co-ordinator. A second national conference was held in June 2003 to mark the 10th anniversary of the first LBP (Barnsley).
Parental Leave and Dispute Resolution Maternity and Paternity package introduced in April 2003. Dispute and Grievance Package including revised ACAS Code coining into force Oct 2004. Small business heavily involved in the shaping of the policy.
Disability SBS has developed relationships with the Disability Rights Commission on the drafting of its code. SBS has worked with Employers Forum on Disability to ensure that Business Advisors can offer best advice to small business. Input into the new Bill and other initiatives on disability are on-going.
Better Regulation Task Force Small Shopkeepers Report 12 recommendations made to Government. Six were accepted, five accepted in part and one not accepted. Progress made, for example, on liquor licensing reform, single internet portal and guidance.
Food Standards and Food Labelling Requirements SBS has forged closer links with the FSA and is working with the agency on the introduction of new simplified standards for the food sector. The aim is to minimise the impact on small businesses.
Climate Change Levy In 2002 the SBS in conjunction with Ecotec undertook research into the impact of the Levy on small businesses. These results were fed into wider DTI work being completed on the levy.
Health and Safety Bill The majority of elements within the Health and Safety Bill were transport related and were incorporated into a Transport Bill with all the health and safety issues dropped from it and not being pursued.