Written Answers (Lords) of 28 June 2004 Series 5 Vol. 663

  1. Guernsey: Contribution to UK Defence 276 words
  2. c2WA
  3. Bosnia-Herzegovina: EU Presence 198 words
  4. cc2-3WA
  5. Bosnia-Herzegovina: War Criminals 166 words
  6. c3WA
  7. Iran: Recruitment of Suicide Bombers 146 words
  8. c3WA
  9. Israel and Palestine: Public Opinion 123 words
  10. cc3-4WA
  11. Home Office: Purchase of Alcohol 73 words
  12. cc4-5WA
  13. Anti-social Behaviour Orders 308 words
  14. c5WA
  15. Iraq: Treatment of Prisoners 102 words
  16. c5WA
  17. Army Recruitment 148 words
  18. cc5-7WA
  19. Water Fluoridation 636 words
  20. c7WA
  21. Permanent Vegetative State 121 words
  22. c7WA
  23. Union Flag: Armagh Courthouse 108 words
  24. cc7-8WA
  25. Hyde Park 338 words
  26. cc8-9WA
  27. Picketts Lock 194 words
  28. c9WA
  29. Sport: Participation 123 words
  30. cc9-10WA
  31. Public Spaces 112 words
  32. c10WA
  33. Environment: Public Awareness Campaigns 147 words