HL Deb 25 June 2004 vol 662 cc163-5WA
Lord Moynihan

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will provide details of the contractual arrangements in place, including the value of any contracts, between the Youth Sport Trust and the Department for Education and Skills and its associated agencies for each financial year since 1999–2000; and [HL3325]

Further to the Written Answer by the Baroness Ashton of Upholland on 23 March (WA 88), what is the total value of the funding from the Department for Education and Skills to the Youth Sport Trust in each financial year since 1999–2000; and [HL3326]

Further to the Written Answer by the Baroness Ashton of Upholland on 23 March (WA 88), whether an open tender process was used for the programmes which the Youth Sport Trust is contracted to deliver by the Department for Education and Skills, the Department for Culture Media and Sport and its associated agencies. [HL3327]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Education and Skills (Baroness Ashton of Upholland)

The Department for Education and Skills (DfES) has contracted with the Youth Sport Trust (YST) under the Secretary of State's financial memorandum and management statement. The DfES is currently funding the Youth Sport Trust toprovide support to aspiring sports colleges and those already within the programme—this work is carried out in accordance with the programme's delivery plan; provide development support for academies; provide development support within the School Sports Partnerships programme; co-ordinate and contribute to the gifted and talented work strand within the national PE, school sport and club links strategy. The work is being carried out in accordance with the programme's delivery plan; provide development support to schools and LEAs on the department's sporting playgrounds programme.

From April 2004, all these areas of work were brought under one financial memorandum, except for the sporting playgrounds programme which is administered through a grant.

The Departments for Education and Skills and for Culture, Media and Sport have also appointed the Youth Sport Trust to co-ordinate the United Kingdom's participation in the 2004 European Year of Education through Sport (EYES). This work is being overseen by a grant letter and the arrangements for the year are stipulated by the European Commission.

In addition, the Youth Sport Trust is part of the Consortium (the British Association of Advisers and Lecturers in Physical Education, the Physical Education Association of the UK, Sports Coach UK and the Youth Sport Trust) which successfully tendered, via an open competition, to manage the delivery of the national PE and School Sport Professional Development programme. The total value of this contract is £18 million.

Funding provided to the Youth Sport Trust from the DfES since the 1999–2000 financial year has been as follows:

Total 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04
Sports Colleges 2,142,402 175,000 240,672 340,422 534,450 851,858
School Sport Partnerships 3,925,015 354,200 563,700 906,115 2,101,000
Academies 114,800 2,600 30,700 27,500 54,000
Millennium Volunteers 610,000 69,500 217,500 195,000 128,000
Commonwealth Games Education Programme 450,000 110,000 200,000 140,000
Study Support 50,000 50,000
Child Care 24,000 24,000
Family Learning & School Sport Project 32,400 32,400
Mapping Project on the Position of PE and School Sport 5,200 5,200
Inclusion Training—PE and School Sport for Young People with SEN 26,000 26,000
Gifted and Talented 830,000 60,000 100,000 670,000
CPD Contract 2,000,000 2,000,000
EYES 89,624 89,624
Sporting Playgrounds 100,000 50,000 50,000
Total 10,399,441

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