HC Deb 24 June 2004 vol 422 c1528W
Jeremy Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs under what circumstances civilians are allowed to visit the Chagos Islands; and if he will make a statement. [180349]

Mr. Rammell

Under the 1976 United Kingdom/United States Exchange of Notes concerning the US Defence Facility on Diego Garcia, access to Diego Garcia is in general restricted to members of the Forces of the United Kingdom and of the United States, the Commissioner and public officers in the service of the British Indian Ocean Territory, representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom and of the United States and, subject to normal immigration requirements, contractor personnel. The United Kingdom Government reserves the right, after consultation with the appropriate United States administrative authorities, to grant access to members of scientific parties wishing to carry out research on Diego Garcia and its environs, provided that such research does not unreasonably interfere with the activities of the facility. Access is not to be granted to any other person without prior consultation between the appropriate administrative authorities of the two Governments.

Under the immigration law of the British Indian Ocean Territory, all persons other than members of the United Kingdom or United States armed forces and Government officials require a permit to visit any part of the Territory, including both Diego Garcia and the outer islands. Such permits are not generally granted except in connection n with official business or on compassionate grounds. However, private yachts are allowed to call in at the outer islands without a permit provided that the crews do not stay ashore overnight.

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