HC Deb 22 June 2004 vol 422 c1368W
Mr. Paice

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many firearms incidents involving(a) shotguns and (b) rifles there were in each of the last 10 years; how many incidents involving each type of weapon caused (i) fatalities, (ii) serious injuries and (iii) minor injuries; and in how many incidents involving each type of weapon (A) the user of the weapon was privately licensed to possess the weapon, (B) the user was under the age of 17, (C) the user was under the age of 14, (D) the weapon had been modified, (E) the victim was related to the user of the weapon and (F) the incident was suicide or attempted suicide. [177150]

Caroline Flint

The full information requested is not available. The available data which are given in the table relate to recorded crimes involving the weapon types mentioned.

are being kept advised of progress and when the review is completed officials will report their recommendations. We will then make decisions on the best way forward.