HL Deb 21 June 2004 vol 662 cc106-7WA
Lord Clement-Jones

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the timetable for new European legislation on sports nutrition; and [HL3231]

What objectives they will pursue in relation to forthcoming European legislation on sports nutrition; and [HL3232]

What steps they are taking to ensure that any new European legislation on sports nutrition is based upon the most recently published scientific research rather than on the recommendations of the 2001 report of the European Union Scientific Committee for Food; and [HL3233]

What recent meetings and consultations have been undertaken by the Food Standards Agency in relation to forthcoming European Union legislation on sports nutrition products; and what steps the agency intends to take to ensure that legislation does not affect consumer choice or the ability of manufacturers to develop new products. [HL3234]

Lord Warner

The Government's objectives in relation to proposals for European Union legislation on sports nutrition are to press the case for proportinate legislation which both protects public health and delivers informed consumer choice.

In April 2004, the European Commission issued a "working document for a draft Commission Directive on foods intended to meet the expenditure of intense muscular effort, especially for sports people". Follwing an expert working group meeting in Brussels last month, the Commission has indicated that it is likely to issue an amended proposal in the autumn of this year.

The range of sports nutrition products on the market has increased since the former Scientific Committee on Food issued its two relevant reports in 2000. It would be in the interests of consumers and industry if all relevant products on the market were covered by the directive. Therefore the Food Standards Agency will press the Commission to take the relevant steps to ensure that it takes account of recent developments, including any recently published scientific research.

The FSA has consulted on the Commission's initial working document and met with stakeholders to discuss their concerns. It will continue to consult stakeholders as the legislation develops. The agency's negotiating objective is to secure legislation which both protects consumer health and maintains a wide range of consumer choice.

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