HC Deb 14 June 2004 vol 422 cc760-3W
Mr. Oaten

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what percentage of copying paper used by his Department in 2002–03 was from recycled sources; and how much post-consumer waste this paper contained. [172306]

Fiona Mactaggart

The percentage of copying paper used by the Department in 2002–03 from recycled sources was 41.54 per cent.

The post-consumer waste content of the paper was unknown by the supplier as they were unable to provide detail of the wood fibre in the product. The recycled content of the paper is described as unspecified.

Mr. Oaten

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department when his Department expects to implement in full the quick win targets set by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to ensure that (a) all copying paper bought by the Department is 100 per cent. recycled with a minimum of 75 per cent. post-consumer waste content and (b) all paper for printed publications bought by the Department is 60 per cent. recycled, of which a minimum is 75 per cent. post-consumer waste. [172307]

Fiona Mactaggart

The quick wins targets were introduced on 1 November 2003 by the inter-departmental Sustainable Procurement Group. From this date all Government Department's contracts were expected to apply the minimum environmental standards when purchasing certain types of product and services including paper.

It has been recommended that the purchase of recycled paper products is phased in over a period of time and targets will be developed as part of the "Framework for Sustainable Development on the Government Estate". The Home Office will work with its current suppliers in order to meet these targets once they are published.

The Department's current three-year stationery contract to supply paper and paper products as well as other stationery products was awarded prior to 1 November, in September 2003. This followed a competitive tender exercise in line with Home Office policy that the procurement of goods and services is based on value for money principles. The provision of recycled paper is part of the agreed contract with Guilbert UK.

In June 2002 the Home Office mandated all offices within the Department to use A4 recycled paper which has an 80 per cent. unspecified recycled paper content in photocopiers, fax machines and printers, unless technical reasons precluded them from using this paper. The Prison Service mandated the use of the same A4

Name of paper used Recycled content


Recycled content



Recycled content



(a) Copier paper
Environmental 3500 Recycled Paper A4 80gsm 80 0 0
Niceday 3000 Laser Copier A4 80 White 0 0 0
Niceday 6000 A4 80 gsm White 0 0 0
Niceday LaserJet Paper A4 80g HE 5 0 0
Niceday Laser Copier A3 80g White Not available Not available Not available
XxPremier Copier 5500 A4 80g White Not available Not available Not available
Niceday Office Paper A5 80 gsm White 0 0 0
XxPremier Copier 5500 A3 80g White Not available Not available Not available
Niceday 4000 Paper A3 80 gsm White 0 0 0
Niceday Pastel Tinted Paper Pale Yellow 0 0 0
(b) Stationery
N2 Divider A4 10Part Colour Tabs 0 0 100
N2 Divider A4 5Part Colour Tab 0 0 100
Environmental Divider A4 10Part Colour Tabs 0 0 100
Niceday Notes 3x3 Yellow 0 0 0
Niceday Diary A5 2 w/t/v Black 2004 30 0 0
N2 Divider A4 10Part Extra Wide 0 0 100
N2 Manuscript Book A4 96LF 20 0 0
Environmental Divider A4 SPart colour Tab 0 0 100
EDAY Diary A4 1 D/T/P Black 2004 15 0 0
Niceday Diary A5 1 W/T/V Burgundy 2004 30 0 0

recycled paper from September 2003 and expect the use of A3 recycled paper to become mandatory from September 2004 if current trials prove successful.

The Home Office makes use of various stocks of paper/board in our publications. Most of our internal facing material is printed on recycled paper and all of these are at least 60 per cent. recycled with a content of 75 per cent. post-consumer waste.

The majority of our external facing work is printed on totally chlorine free paper/board. Although this is not made from recycled pulp, this is 'environmentally friendly' because the pulp is bleached without the use of chlorine chemicals.

Mr. Oaten

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the Department's main suppliers of(a) copier paper, (b) stationery, (c) envelopes and (d) paper for reports, in each case stating (i) the name of each paper used and (ii) the recycled and post-consumer recycled content of each paper. [172308]

Fiona Mactaggart

The contract to supply paper and paper products to the Home Department is held by the company Guilbert UK. In addition to the aforementioned contract the Prison Service also hold a contract with James MacNaughton Pape. Group Limited to supply paper and paper products to Prison Service Enterprise and Supply Services Internal Industries.

Guilbert provide a wide range of stationery products to the Home Office and to provide details of every paper and paper product supplied would incur disproportionate costs.

I am however able to provide details of the top ten paper and paper products purchased from Guilbert UK by brand name and where available the recycled and post consumer recycled content of each paper in the categories requested as follows:

Name of paper used Recycled content


Recycled content



Recycled content



(c) Envelopes
Niceday Envelope 114x162 90 Self Seal White Not available
Niceday Envelope 11 0x220 90 Self Seal White 0 0 0
Environmental Envelope 324x229 90 Self seal Buff 0 85 0
Niceday Envelope 324x229115 Self Seal Manila 0 85 0
Environmental Envelope 229x162 90 Self Seal Buff 0 85 0
Environmental Envelope 254x178 90 Manila 0 85 0
Niceday C4 Envelope 324x299115 gsm Manila Not Available
Environmental Envelope 324x229 90g Self Seal Buff 0 85 0
Environmental Envelope C5 229x162min Manila Gummed 90gsm Not Available
Environmental Envelope C4 324x229mtn Manila Gummed 90g Not Available
(d) Paper for reports
Niceday Duplicator Blue A4 80gsm 0 10 90
Niceday Duplicator Yellow A4 80gsm 0 10 90
Niceday 11x14.5 1PT 70g Pain Laser 0 0 0
HP Premium Plus Photo Paper A4 C6832A Not available
Niceday 11x9.5 1PT 70g Plain Micro Vertical Perforations 0 0 0
Niceday 11x14.5 1PT 60g Plain 0 0 0
Niceday Duplicator A4 80g White 0 10 90
Nicely 11x9.5 1PT 60g Plain Micro Vertical Perforations 0 0 0
Niceday Duplicator Green A4 80gsm 0 10 90
Niceday 11x14.5 1PT 60g Music Ruled 0 0 0

Details of the top ten paper and paper products purchased from James MacNaughton Paper Group Limited by brand name and where available the recycled and post consumer recycled content for copier paper is as follows:

Name of paper used Recycled



Recycled content



Recycled content



Challenger T/Pulp No No No
HMP Offset No No No
HM Manila Yes No 80%
Reacto No No No
Prosp/Kingstn No No No
Challenger Velvet No No No
Reflex No No No
Challenger W/Pulp No No No
Supercol No No No
Greybd Yes 100% No