HC Deb 10 June 2004 vol 422 cc560-3W
Paddy Tipping

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what the(a) highest, (b) lowest and (c) average payment made in respect of (i) chronic bronchitis and emphysema and (ii) vibration white finger is; and what the equivalent figures are for Nottinghamshire. [176548]

Nigel Griffiths

[hulling answer 7 June 2004]: To date the figures are:

UK Nottinghamshire,

Derbyshire and


UK Nottinghamshire,

Derbyshire and


Highest settlement 364,537 364,537 113,111 40,127
Average settlement 7,674 5,262 8,288 8,180


Settlements can be low or even reduced to nothing if some or all of the factors outlined below have a maximum impact.

1. Compensation offend is dependent on the percentage of disability due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the number of years spent underground after 1954, the date of liability. Discounting is then applied, taking into account any smoking history and the number of years worked before 1954. This is consistent with the High Court judgment. In chronic bronchitis (CB) only claims, the maximum amount payable is £5,604 (rising with the RPI), subject to the relevant discounting mentioned previously.

2. Compensation offered in respect of VWF is dependent on the "staging" (the level of disability). Claims are then discounted taking into account any of the five co-morbid conditions as listed in the Claims Handling Agreement. Claims will also be apportioned according to whether there is any co-defendant involvement.

3. Figures for Nottinghamshire are not available separately.

John Mann

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when minimum payment for compensation claims under the Coalminers' Compensation Scheme was last discussed with their representatives. [176801]

Nigel Griffiths

[holding answer 8 June 2004]: I refer my hon. Friend to the answer I gave him on 27 May 2004, Official Report, column 1744.

Mr. Barron

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many claimants have had final settlement through each of the top 10 claims handlers involved in the compensation claims for(a) chronic bronchitis and emphysema and (b) vibration white finger of former coalminers. [176617]

Nigel Griffiths

To date the figures are:

Top 10 solicitors Number of full and

final settlements

Hugh James 17,622
Thompsons 17,141
Raleys 12,318
Browell Smith 7,330
Beresfords 6,760
Mark Gilbert Morse 6,495
UDM 5,439
Watson Burton 4,383
Barber and Co. 656
Avalon 388
Browell Smith 11,095
UDM 7,234
Thompsons 7,046
Raleys 6,561
Hugh James 6,278
Moss 4,433
Beresfords 4,126
AMS Law 2,919
Watson Burton 2,584
Graysons 1,899

In terms of numbers of COPD claims received, the rank order of the 'top 10' is—Beresfords, Thompsons, Hugh James, Raleys, Browell Smith, Mark Gilbert Morse, Avalon, UDM, Watson Burton, Barber and Co.

In terms of numbers of VWF claims received, the rank order of the 'top 10' is—Thompsons, Browell Smith, Beresfords, UDM, Raleys, Hugh James, Graysons, Moss, Watson Burton, AMS Law.

Mr. Barron

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how much has been paid to claimants through each of the top 10 claims handlers involved in the compensation claims for(a) chronic bronchitis and emphysema and (b) vibration white finger of former coalminers. [176618]

Nigel Griffiths

To date the figures are:

Top 10 solicitors Total damages paid (£million)
Thompson 216.8
Hugh James 198.5
Raleys 129
Browell Smith 77.4
Mark Gilbert Morse 43.7
UDM 26.5
Watson Burton 26
Beresfords 13.4
Avalon 1.2
Barber and Co. 0.45
Thompsons 128
Browell Smith 89.8
UDM 72
Raleys 72
Hugh James 58.8
Graysons 49.6
Watson Burton 42.5
Beresfords 39.5
Moss 32.4
AMS Law 22.8

In terms of numbers of COPD claims receive, the rank order of the "top 10" is—Berefords, Thompson, Hugh James, Raleys, Browell Smith, Mark Gilbert Morse, Avalon, UDM, Watson Burton, Barber and Co.

In terms of number of VWF claims received, the rank order of the 'top 10' is—Thompons, Browell Smith, Beresfords, UDM, Raleys, Hugh James, Graysons, Moss, Watson Burton, AMS Law.

Mr. Barron

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many claimants have had interim payments to date through each of the top 10 claims handlers involved in the compensation claims for(a) chronic bronchitis and emphysema and (b) vibration white finger of former coalminers. [176619]

Nigel Griffiths

To date the figures are:

Top 10 solicitors Number of claimants who have

received an interim payment

Thompsons 10,895
Hugh James 7,708
Raleys 5,129
Browell Smith 4,048
Mark Gilbert Morse 2,246
UDM 1,323
Watson Burton 1,157
Beresfords 384
Avalon 69
Barber and Co. 8
Thompsons 11,723
Raleys 5,752
Browell Smith 5,628
Graysons 5,413
UDM 4,811
Beresfords 4,224
Hugh James 3.899
Watson Burton 3,577
Moss 2,646
AMS Law 1,416

In terms of numbers of COPD claims received, the rank order of the "top 10" is—Beresfords, Thompsons, Hugh James, Raleys, Browell Smith, Mark Gilbert Morse, Avalon, UDM, Watson Burton, Barber and Co.

Mr. Barron

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how much has been paid to date to each of the top 10 claims handlers involved in the compensation claims for(a) chronic bronchitis and emphysema and (b) vibration white finger of former coalminers. [176620]

Nigel Griffiths

To date the figures are:

Top 10 solicitors Solicitors costs paid (£million)
Thompsons 39.7
Hugh James 39.1
Raleys 28.9
Browell Smith 15.9
Mark Gilbert Morse 14.3
Beresfords 9.7
UDM 9.2
Watson Burton 9.1
Top 10 solicitors Solicitors costs paid (£ million)
Avalon 0.7
Barber and Co. 0.1
Thompsons 9.1
Browell Smith 8.7
Raleys 6.6
Hugh James 5.8
UDM 5.5
Graysons 3.8
Beresfords 3.2
Watson Burton 3.1
Moss 2.9
AMS Law 1.9

In terms of numbers of COPD claims received, the rank order of the "top 10" is—Beresfords, Thompsons, Hugh James, Raleys, Browell Smith, Mark Gilbert Morse, Avalon, UDM, Watson Burton, Barber & Co.

In terms of numbers of VWF claims received, the rank order of the "top 10" is—Thompsons, Browell Smith, Beresfords, UDM, Raleys, Hugh James, Graysons, Moss, Watson Burton, AMS Law.