HC Deb 23 July 2004 vol 424 cc823-4W
Richard Younger-Ross

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what the Government's policy is on marine protection following recommendations at the World Parks Congress in Durban last year. [186212]

Mr. Morley

The proposals for marine protection that emerged from the World Parks Congress were taken account of in the decision and work programme on marine and coastal biodiversity that was adopted at the Seventh Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in February.

The Government are working through the European Union and the OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic to contribute to a global network of marine and coastal protected areas as agreed by the Parties. This is in line with the Government's Marine Stewardship initiative to better protect and manage the marine environment.

Richard Younger-Ross

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what assessment has been made of(a) the economic benefits and (b) the environmental benefits of creating a series of marine parks. [186280]

Mr. Bradshaw

A meaningful assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of a series of marine parks would depend on factors such as the purpose, number and magnitude of marine protected areas and which activities are regulated. Assessments of environmental benefits are undertaken for new sites designated under the Habitats and Birds Directives to assess their value in contributing to the restoration or maintenance of natural habitats and species of Community interest.

The Review of Marine Nature Conservation Working Group gave consideration to the economic and environmental benefits of providing improved protection for important marine features and ecosystems, including an assessment of the relative efficiency with which environmental benefits were likely to be delivered by a range of designated areas, including marine parks. The Working Group's report was submitted to Government on 26 July. The Government will consider the recommendations of the report, including the future role of protected areas within an overall strategy for marine conservation.

Richard Younger-Ross

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what representations she has received on(a) designating the River Exe in Devon a marine park and (b) creating a series of marine parks. [186281]

Mr. Bradshaw

The Exe Estuary is classified as a Special Protection Area under the EC Wild Birds Directive. I am not aware of any formal representations made regarding designating the Exe Estuary as a marine park. I have, however, received a number of representations from a variety of organisations on providing improved protection to marine areas and the Government are considering these in the context of developing an overall strategy for marine conservation.