HC Deb 22 July 2004 vol 424 c455W
Mr. Webb

To ask the Secretary c f State for Work and Pensions what the level of the Social Fund funeral expenses payment was in each of the last seven years.[185059]

Mr. Pond

The funeral payment scheme provides people receiving qualifying benefits or tax credits with payments for simple, respectful funerals. Awards cover the reasonable cost of specified items, including necessary burial or cremation charges, plus up to £700 for other non-specified funeral expenses. This was increased from £600 in April 2003.

The information is in the table.

Average funeral payment
1997–98 796
1998–99 836
1999–2000 862
2000–01 885
2001–02 909
2002–03 929
2003–04 1,019
DWP Social Fund Policy, Budget and Management Information System

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