HC Deb 20 July 2004 vol 424 cc227-33W
Mr. Gerald Howarth

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentations made to the IQPC Conference Future Artillery in May 2003 on(a) Developing the UK's Firepower Capability by Colonel Peter H. Tomlinson, Deputy Director Equipment Capability (Indirect Battlefield Engagement) and (b) Future Artillery Weapons Systems—An Acquisition Angle by Alan Nichol], Integrated Project Team Leader, Future Artillery Weapons Systems, Defence Procurement Agency; [170381]

(2) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentations made to the IQPC Conference Underwater Warfare and the Role of UUVS in January 2003 on Maritime Mine Countermeasures (MCM): A UK Perspective by Peter Evans, Technical Manager, Maritime Mine Warfare and Countermeasures, DSTL; [170382]

(3) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Suppression of Enemy Air Defences in February 2003 on SEAD in Current and Future RAF Operations by Squadron Leader Brian James, Tactical Division Weapons, Air Warfare Centre, Royal Air Force Squadron Leader and Stuart F. Hulley, S02 EW Tornado, Royal Air Force; [170383]

(4) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Software Defined Radios in December 2003 on UK Digitisation: The Future Application of SDR by Colonel Phil Davies, Command Support Development Centre; [170384]

(5) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentations made to the IQPC Conference Sensor-to-Shooter and Time Critical Targeting in February 2003 on (a) Sensor-To-Shooter: The Users Perspective by Squadron Leader Malcolm Rainier, S02 Air Offensive 2 and (b) UK Sensor-To-Shooter Airborne Capabilities and Concepts by Squadron Leader Dheeraj Bhasin, TD-JAGUAR, Air Warfare Centre, RAF Waddington; [170385]

(6) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentations made to the IQPC Conference Naval Air Warfare in December 2003 on (a) The Future of Maritime Strike in the Royal Navy by Captain David James, DACOS Strike, Commander-in-Chief Fleet Staff, Royal Navy, (b) UAVS in Future Maritime Operations by Lieutenant Trevor Steele, UAV TD, Maritime Warfare Centre, Royal Navy, (c) The 'Future Lynx': The UK's Surface Combatant Maritime Rotorcraft by Lieutenant Commander Neal Yates M BE, Requirements Manager-Surface Combatant Maritime Rotorcraft, DPA, (d) Royal Navy Commando Sea King by Lieutenant Commander Mark 'H' Hourigan, Commando Aviation TD, Maritime Warfare Centre, Royal Navy, (e) Royal Navy Merlin HM MK1 by Lieutenant Commander Gary Soar, Merlin TD, Maritime Warfare Centre, Royal Navy, (f) Integrating the JSF into the UK: The Future Joint Combat Aircraft by Wing Commander John Chapman, Requirements Manager, Joint Combat Aircraft IPT, DPA and (g) Maritime Patrol and the Future of Nimrod M RA4 Operations by Wing Commander Gordon Bruce, SO1 Maritime Capability Development, HQ3 Group, Royal Air Force; [170386]

(7) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Military Flight Training Conference in February 2003 on (a) The Future UK Military Flight Training Programme by Air Commodore Peter Coker, MFTS IPT Leader, Defence Procurement Agency, (b) Nimrod-Multi-Crew Training in a Multirole Aircraft by Wing Commander Jerry Kessell, OC 42 (R) Squadron, RAF Kinloss, (c) C-130J Hercules Tactical Training by Group Captain Ray Lock, Commanding Officer and Squadron Leader Mark Pearce, Flight Commander JTTF, RAF Lynham and (d) Future Helicopter Flying Training in the British Army by Lieutenant Colonel David Joyce, SOI Training and Lieutenant Colonel Norman Ryan, SOI Attack Helicopter Training, HQ Directorate of Army Aviation; [170387]

(8) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Light Armoured Vehicles in February 2003 on (a) UK MoD Overview of Future Rapid Effects System (FRES) and key UK LAV programmes by Brigadier Ian Rodley, DEC (DBE), (b) Future Command and Liaison Vehicle (FCLV)-An Overview by Colonel Charles Hookey, Team Leader, Close Armour and Vehicle Mounted Weapons IPT, DPA, (c) The Bigger Picture—A UK military analysis of the future operating environment, emerging concepts and the shift of emphasis from platform performance to network effectiveness by Brigadier Geoff Sheldon, Director Land Digitisation, UK MoD (Army), (d) Future Force Structures—A UK MoD view by Lieutenant Colonel Crispian Beattie, SO1 Concepts, Director General Doctrine and Development and (e) Viking—An Overview by Major Jez Hermer, SO2 Viking, FLEET N7, HMS Excellent; [170388]

(9) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Military Helicopter Conference in April 2003 on (a) New Developments in Air Manoeuvre Capability by Brigadier Nick Caplin, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, Joint Helicopter Command, (b) Future Modernisation of the UK Apache A.H.1 by Major Nigel Banks, Attack Helicopter Desk Officer, DEC Air and Littoral Manoeuvre, (c) Royal Navy Lynx HMA.8 and Future Development by Lieutenant Rob Taylor, Senior Observer, Lynx OEU, RNAS Yeovilton and (d) Merlin H.M. MK.1 by Lieutenant Commander Nick Dunn, Commanding Officer, 814 Squadron, RNAS Culdrose; [170389]

(10) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Future Naval Plans and Requirements in May 2003 on (a) The Future of Maritime Strike in the Royal Navy by Commander David James, CD Strike, Maritime Warfare Centre, (b) The Royal Navy—Future Operational Concepts by Captain Simon Williams, Assistant Director of Strategy, (c) Maritime Combat Service Support To Forces Ashore by Brigadier Charlie Hobson, Director Equipment Capability (Deploy, Sustain and Recover) and The Future Surface Combatant and its Role as a Versatile Maritime Force by Commander Stuart Robinson, Project Leader, Future Surface Combatant and Chris Richards, Capability Definition and Programme Management (FSC), DEC (AWB); [170390]

(11) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Fighter Conference in May 2003 on (a) Joint Force Harrier by Lieutenant Commander Nick Walker, Joint Force Harrier SO2 OPS FA2, HQ 3 Group, RAF Strike Command and (b) Typhoon Programme Update by Wing Commander Jonathan Hitchcock, Typhoon Requirements Manager (and Future Commander of the Typhoon OCU) Typhoon IPT; [170391]

(12) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Defence Simulation and Training in October 2003 on (a) A UK Overview of Training Systems by Andy Fawkes, Deputy Director, Analysis Experimentation and Simulation, and Head of Synthetic Environments Co-ordination Office, (b) Bringing Coherence To MoD Individual Training and Education by Commander Jim Hammersley, DGT and E, (c) The Long-Term Future of Individual Armoured Fighting Vehicle Training in the UK by Lieutenant Colonel K B L (Kestrel) Simson QRH Deputy Project Manager, Armoured Vehicle Training System Project, DPA, (d) Simulation Requirements Analysis by Lieutenant Commander Harry Hassall, Development Projects and Research Group, UK MoD, and (e) UK Battlegroup Command and Control Trainer (BC2T) by Paul Newman, Deputy Team Leader, Joint and Battlefield Trainers, Simulation and Synthetic Environments, Programme Manager for Joint and Constructive Simulation DPA; [170392]

(13) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Air-Launched Weapons in September 2003 on (a) UK Air-Launched Weapons Capabilities and Concepts by Squadron Leader Dheeraj Bhasin, TD-JAGUAR, Air Warfare Centre, RAF Waddington, (b) Advanced Short-Range Air-To-Air Missile (ASRAAM) by Lieutenant Colonel Richard G Dixon, ASRAAM IPT Leader, Defence Procurement Agency, (c) Beyond Visual Range Air-To-Air Missile (BVRAAM)METEOR by Mike Smith, BVRAAM IPT Leader, Defence Procurement Agency, and (d) Update On UK Precision-Guided Bomb by Wing Commander Peter Barker, Precision- Guided Bomb IPT Leader, Defence Procurement Agency; [170393]

(14) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Air Surveillance and Reconnaissance in March 2003 on (a) Watchkeeper by Alan Baker, Tactical UAV IPT Leader, DPA, (b) Littoral ISTAR-UK Perspective by Squadron Leader Alan Skinner, HQ3 Group, RAF Strike Command and (c) Operational Tactical Reconnaissance by Squadron Leader Andrew White, OC Wing, Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre, RAF Marham; [170394]

(15) if he will place in the Library a copy of the presentation made to the IQPC Conference Air Defence Systems 2003 in May 2003 on (a) UK GBAD future requirements by Air Commodore Richard Moore, GBAD IPTL, DPA and (b) UK GBAD-Bridging capability and future requirements by Squadron Leader David Watkins, SO2 GBAD/OPS, RAF Strike Command and Squadron Leader John Derbyshire, XO RAF GBAD HQ; [170395]

(16) if he will place in the Library a copy of (a) Brigadier Andrew Stewart's presentation, Support to reflect the extended scope of operations and the more strategically responsive, yet dominant force for the 21st Century, given at the SMI Conference Supporting Forward Deployment on 18 June 2003, (b) Colonel Nick Knudsen's presentation on Supporting Future Air Manoeuvre Forward Deployment given at the SMI Conference Supporting Forward Deployment on 18 June 2003, (c) Peter Jones's presentation, Processes to ensure effective medical support, given at the SMI Conference Supporting Forward Deployment on 18 June 2003, (d) Colonel Phil Naylor's presentation on Base Logistic Support to Deployed Operations, given at the SMI Conference Supporting Forward Deployment on 19th June 2003, (e) Wing Commander Simon Ruddock-West's presentation on Maritime Patrol Aircraft In Force Protection and his key note address given at the SMI Conference Naval Force Protection on 25 and 26 June 2003 respectively: [170396]

(17) if he will place in the Library a copy of (a) Commander Dickie Burston s presentation, Multi-National Submarine Rescue, given at the SMI Conference Underwater Systems on 2 April 2003, (b) Peter Evans's presentation Maritime Mine Countermeasures, given at the SMI Conference Underwater Systems on 3 April 2003, (c) Colonel David Hargreave's presentation. Paving The Way for Digitization: Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps, given at the SMI Conference Joint Battlespace Digitization on 19 May 2003, (d) Lieutenant Colonel Mark Faulkner's presentation on the UK Land Digitization Programme given at the SMI Conference Joint Battlespace Digitization on 19 May 2003 and (e) Major Jeremy Levine's presentation, The Challenges of Digitization in the Jungle, given at the SMI Conference Joint Battlespace Digitization on 19 May 2003; [170426]

(18) if he will place in the Library a copy of (a) Colonel Toby Mills's presentation, Transforming Engineering and Asset Management in the UK MoD: the DLO change programme given at the SMI Conference Defence Maintenance on 10 March 2003,

PQ Presentation
170381 Developing the UK':. Firepower Capability by Colonel Peter H. Tomlinson
170381 Future Artillery Weapons Systems—An Acquisition Angle by Alan Nicholl
170387 The Future UK Military Flight Training Programme by Air Commodore Peter Coker
170387 Nimrod-Multi-Crew Training in a Multirole Aircraft by Wing Commander Jerry Kessell
170387 C-130J Hercules Tactical Training by Group Captain Ray Lock
170387 Future Helicopter Flying Training in the British Army by Lieutenant Colonel David Joyce
170387 Future Helicopter Flying Training in the British Army by Lieutenant Colonel Norman Ryan
170389 Future Modernisatic n of the UK Apache A.H.I by Major Nigel Banks
170389 New Developments in Air Manoeuvre Capability by Brigadier Nick Caplin
170390 Maritime Combat Se rice Support To Forces Ashore by Brigadier Charlie Hobson
170390 The Future Surface Combatant and its Role as a Versatile Maritime Force by Commander Stuart Robinson
170392 A UK Overview of Training Systems by Andy Fawkes
170392 Bringing Coherence To MoD Individual Training and Education by Commander Jim Hammersley
170392 Simulation Requirements Analysis by Lieutenant Commander Harry Hassall
170392 UK Battlegroup Command and Control Trainer (BC2T) by Paul Newman
170393 Advanced Short-Range Air-To-Air Missile (ASRAAM) by Lieutenant Colonel Richard G Dixon
170393 Beyond Visual Range Air-To-Air Missile (BVRAAM)-METEOR by Mike Smith
170426 Lieutenant Colonel Mark Faulkner's presentation on the UK Land Digitization Programme
170427 Andy Worrall's presentation, Integrated Logistics Support: Reducing whole life cost of ownership
170428 Lieutenant Colonel Alistair Hamer-Philip's presentation, Low Level Ground Based Air Defence: a UK perspective

The following presentations were either not in fact given at the conferences specifiel or have since been

(b) Wing Commander David Appleton's presentation, RCM: Intelligently deciding the user's maintenance requirements given at the SMI Conference Defence Maintenance on 10 March 2003, (c) Andy Worrall's presentation, Integrated Logistics Support: Reducing whole life cost of ownership given at the SMI Conference Defence Maintenance on 10 March 2003, (d) Group Captain Peter Gray's presentation, Implementing Joint Capabilities: Organising British Joint Rapid Reaction Forces, given at the SMI Conference Rapid Reaction Deployment on 12th March 2003 and (e) Colonel Neil Baverstock's presentation, A Joint Perspective, given at the SMI Conference Naval C4I on 24 March 2003; [170427]

(19) if he will place in the Library a copy of (a) Lieutenant Colonel Alistair Hamer-Philip's presentation, Low Level Ground Based Air Defence: a UK perspective, given at the SMI Conference Air Defence Systems on 16 January 2003; (b) Neil McCabe's presentation, The UK experience: Bringing mission rehearsal requirements and solutions together given at the SMI Conference Virtual Battlespace: Developments in Mission Rehearsal on 27 January 2003, (c) Neil McCabe's presentation on Training AFV (Armoured Fighting Vehicles) given at the SMI Conference Armour and Anti-Armour on 25 February 2003, (d) Lieutenant Colonel R. J. Laidler's presentation on the future of armour support given at the SMI Conference Armour and Anti-Armour on 25 February 2003 and (e) Squadron Leader Gary Morgan's presentation, Nimrod MRA4: Its role in littoral warfare and future capability given at the SMI Conference Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance on 4th March 2003. [1170428]

Mr. Ingram

Copies of presentations given to external conferences by Ministry of Defence employees or members of the Armed Forces are not held centrally. Where it is readily available within the Department, I am placing the information requested in the Library of the House. This covers the following presentations:

deleted by the presents and are therefore now un obtainable.

PQ Presentation
170386 Royal Navy Merlin HM MK I by Lieutenant Commander Gary Soar
170388 UK MoD Overview of Future Rapid Effects System (FRES) and key UK LAV programmes by Brigadier Ian Rodley
170392 The Long-Term Future of Individual Armoured Fighting Vehicle Training in the UK by Lieutenant Colonel K B L (Kestrel) Simson
170393 Update On UK Precision-Guided Bomb by Wing Commander Peter Barker
170396 Wing Commander Simon Ruddock- West's presentation on Maritime Patrol Aircraft In Force Protection and his key note address given at the SMI Conference Naval Force Protection on 25 and 26 June 2003 respectively.
170426 Commander Dickie Burston's presentation, Multi-National Submarine Rescue
170426 Colonel David Hargreave's presentation, Paving The Way for Digitization: Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps

The Ministry of Defence is conducting a further trawl to locate the remaining presentations. These will be placed in the Library of the House subject to availability and resource constraints. Should it not be possible to provide all the information requested, copies of conference proceedings can usually be bought from the event organisers.

The content of these presentations will not have been specifically cleared with MOD Ministers and may therefore represent the views of the individual rather than that of the Department. It should also be noted that some of the content of these presentations is likely to have been overtaken by subsequent events.