HC Deb 08 January 2004 vol 416 cc460-1W
Mr. George Osborne

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the terms are of the Jobcentre Plus Programme Procurement Review; what the timetable is for the completion of the Review; and what independent assessment of Jobcentre Plus procurement processes are being undertaken as part of the review. [144600]

Mr. Browne

The administration of Jobcentre Plus is a matter for the Chief Executive of Jobcentre Plus, David Anderson. He will write to the hon. Member.

Letter from David Anderson to Mr. George Osborne, dated 8 January 2004: As Jobcentre Plus is an Executive Agency, the Secretary of State has asked me to reply to your questions concerning the terms of the Jobcentre Plus Programme Procurement Review; what the timetable is for the completion of the Review; and what independent assessment of Jobcentre Plus procurement processes are being undertaken as part of the review. This is something that falls within the responsibilities delegated to me as Chief Executive of the Agency. The Jobcentre Plus Programme Procurement Review was initiated following two independent consultants reports towards the end of 2002/03 and is an ongoing review with the following aims and objectives: 1. define and communicate clear roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for all those involved in the procurement, payment and contract management process; 2. improve procurement capability and professionalism across the procurement value chain at each tier of the organisation; 3. support more effective use of IT systems, for example by raising awareness of consequences of data input errors; 4. introduce streamlined, generic procurement processes increasingly supported by e-based approach, for example web based invitations to tender; 5. review funding models and policy to develop fewer IT supported models and to ensure rates support increased provider performance and share risk appropriately; 6. ensure that the provision purchased addresses the needs of customers and employers locally through use of standard `requirement' templates in districts; 7. work jointly with all key stakeholders including Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Department for Education and Skills (DfES), Learning Skills; 8. develop and deliver an approved Jobcentre Plus Procurement Strategy, to be incorporated into DWP's Commercial Strategy, which will detail, for example, how best provision should be purchased and paid for, how Jobcentre Plus should interact and develop enhanced relationships with key providers; 9. provide resource, focus and structure through a Director led steering group to ensure proposals for change are developed and implemented resulting in better value for money and an increase in job outcomes from providers. Jobcentre Plus is committed to keeping providers informed of the progress of the review and to seek provider's views on implementation of proposals. Five provider awareness events launching the review, covering six Jobcentre Plus regions, have been held over the last six months. In addition an ongoing progress update has been sent to all existing providers and also made available on the Jobcentre Plus website. Providers will continue to be updated and their views sought through the Provider Liaison Group. This group meets bi-monthly to discuss issues of common concern. The primary purpose of the group is to involve providers in planning and implementation of change, giving them the opportunity to put the provider perspective to policy makers. The overall Jobcentre Plus Procurement Strategy for employment programmes is being developed by an independent consultant drawing on a range of expertise including the Office of Government Commerce, DfES, Home Office 'Active Communities Unit' (relationship with voluntary sector providers). Changes from the review are being implemented as they are developed and agreed by the Steering Group; the bulk of policy change will be agreed and many changes implemented by April 2004. I hope this is helpful.