HL Deb 07 January 2004 vol 657 cc50-1WA
Lord Alton of Liverpool

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What plans they have to license research projects involving the creation of human sperm and human eggs from human embryonic stem cells; and what assessment they have made of the safety of such research.(HL5581)

Lord Warner

The creation of gametes is not, in itself, an activity that requires a licence from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA). However, the use of these gametes to create an embryo would require a licence from the authority. Prior to issuing any licence for the creation of an embryo for use in treatment or research, the HFEA would have to be satisfied that the techniques used were safe. The HFEA would also have to examine carefully the ethical issues surrounding the use of artificially created gametes inin vitro fertilisation (IVF). No embryos that are used in research or created in the course of research may subsequently be used in treatment and must be allowed to perish before 14 days post fertilisation.