HC Deb 07 January 2004 vol 416 cc375-7W
Malcohn Bruce

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what value of guarantees have been issued by the Export Credits Guarantee Department since 1997 which

£ million
Market Military and Defence Aerospace Oil, Petrochemical and Gas Environmental Telecomms and Transport Education and Medical Mining Other Grand Total
Abu Dhabi 8 48 56
Algeria 84 84
Anguilla 1 1
Argentina 1 1
Australia 57 2 8 67
Austria 13 13
Azerbaijan 13 12 25
Bahrain 157 157
Bangladesh 80 80
Barbados 11 11
Belgium 45 10 54
Botswana 9 9
Brazil 74 55 110 1 151 391
Brunei Darussalam 590 590
Canada 345 3 348
Chile 2 173 175
China 496 16 36 584 1,133
Colombia 19 19
Costa Rica
Croatia 38 21 59
Cyprus 15 8 7 30
Denmark 34 24
Dominica 9 9
Dominican Republic 27 20 47
EC Market n/k 32 32
Egypt 16 43 7 89 2 62 220
El Salvador 82 82
Finland 32 32
France 8 10 18
Germany 1 17 19
Ghana 17 14 31 63
Greece 79 77 8 165
Hong Kong 194 66 192 42 494
Iceland 31 31
India 14 14 77 106
Indonesia 67 142 7 65 281
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 37 37 115 193
Israel 5 16 21
Italy 4 10 15
Jamaica 22 20 42
Japan. 2 25 27
Kazakhstan 38 46 84
Korea Republic of 82 231 5 20 34 372
Kuwait 8 9 94
Lebanon 26 26
Lesotho 1 1
Lithuania 3 3
Luxembourg 84 84
Malaysia 363 40 10 773 1,185
Maldives 3 9 12

relate to (a) military and defence projects, (b) aerospace projects, (c) oil, petrochemical and gas projects, (d) environmental projects, (e) telecommunications and transport projects, (f) education and medical projects and (g) mining projects, broken down by country. [144806]

Mr. Mike O'Brien

The information requested is in the following table, except for(d) environmental projects. While projects may have environmental benefits, for example: water treatment plants, or paper mills that use recycled paper as raw material, it would not be appropriate to class these as primarily 'environmental'.

ECGD has, since 2001, assessed the potential environmental and social impacts of all projects it has been asked to support, except for defence and aerospace, which are subject to separate processes.

The currency values of ECGDs Guarantees have been converted at the exchange rates at the end of November.

£ million
Market Military and Defence Aerospace Oil, Petrochemical and Gas Environmental Telecomms and Transport Education and Medical Mining Other Grand Total
Mauritius 44 44
Mexico 68 1 4 2 77 151
Morocco 11 6 17
Netherlands 178 178
Nigeria 148 148
Oman 535 429 6 35 1,005
Pakistan 10 10 2 22
Panama 5 21 26
Papua New Guinea 36 36
Peru 1 1
Philippines 151 21 2 142 506
Portugal 46 2 48
Qatar 178 148 326
Romania 106 7 86 199
Russian Federation 18 128 184 82 412
Saint Kitts and Nevis 7 6 1 2 16
Saint Lucia
Saudi Arabia 6,225 8 13 6, 247
Singapore 19 11 8 10 8 155
South Africa 1,270 249 84 1,603
Sri Lanka 129 13 23 165
Sweden 4 171 175
Switzerland 21 0 210
Syrian Arab Republic
Taiwan 83 141 224
Thailand 30 122 76 16 244
Trinidad and Tobago 1 1
Tunisia 50 51
Turkey 253 70 33 23 25 88 493
United Arab Emirates 49 551 18 11 630
United States 65 937 46 1,048
Uzbekistan 43 1 45
Vanuatu 3 3
Venezuela 10 49 37 96
Vietnam 20 30 50
Zimbabwe 77 12 89
Grand Total 10,115 5,480 1,43 1 230 1,226 46 60 3, 386 21,744

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