HL Deb 26 February 2004 vol 658 c74WA
Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What arrangements they are making to ensure that any guarantees provided by the United Kingdom Export Credits Guarantee Department for oil and gas projects adjacent to Sakhalin in Russia undertaken by Shell, Sakhalin Energy and other interests are conditional upon effective safeguards to enhance the protection of grey whales. [HL1310]

Lord Sainsbury of Turville

The Government are aware of the potential impacts that the Sakhalin II project may have on the western grey whales. My right honourable friend the Minister for Trade has written to Sakhalin Energy making clear the importance that we attach to ensuring that these are properly minimised and that the best scientific advice is being followed. In determining this, ECGD officials will be taking advice from recognised independent whale experts and will take into account the views of interested NGOs.

It is expected that details of the whale protection measures agreed with Sakhalin Energy will be published and that compliance with them would be a contractual obligation on the company. Qualified consultants would monitor compliance with these obligations on behalf of ECGD and the other lenders, should support be eventually agreed.