HL Deb 25 February 2004 vol 658 cc63-5WA
Baroness Byford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why the consultation on the draft framework and guidance on local signage required to implement the new access rights, which was issued in December 2003, had a closing date of 30 January 2004; and [HL1290]

Pre-registration midwifery student populations in England
Whole-time equivalents
Diploma Degree
1998–99 1,283 642
1999–2000 1,498 738
2000–01 1,537 957
2001–021 1,611 1,225
2002–032 1,632 1,579
2003–042 2,059 2,045


1 Extrapolated from existing data that are unreliable due to boundary changes.

2 Planned and subject to change.


Finance and Workforce Information Returns.

How many meetings of local access fora were held between the issue of the draft framework and guidance on local signage for new access rights and the closure of the consultation on 30 January 2004; and whether the consultation period was sufficient for all access fora to fulfill their statutory duty to advise on the development and implementation of recreation and access strategies. [HL1291]

Lord Whitty

The Countryside Agency is working hard to ensure that all processes are in place before the commencement of the new open access rights this September. The agency has been working proactively with a diverse range of stakeholders, including the Ramblers Association, the MoD, the Forestry Commission, English Nature, the National Trust, national park authorities and the Country Land and Business Association to develop the draft local signage framework.

The agency recognises the valuable contribution which local access forums can make to the signage framework and their important role in advising on recreation and access strategies. However, the agency is also concerned that national guidance on signage is available to access authorities in the lead regions by May 2004, so that they have time to prepare for commencement. A full consultation period of three months would not have allowed the agency to meet this deadline.

The agency appreciates that not every local access forum would have been able to comment on the proposals. However, it is pleased that some local access forums were able to comment and their feedback has been very useful.

The signage proposals give access authorities the lead role in planning for signage on the ground and suggest they consult local access forums in doing so. This will provide local access forums with further opportunities to fulfil their remit by providing advice at a local level.

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