HC Deb 24 February 2004 vol 418 cc402-3W
Mr. Cousins

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much was spent on new capital investments in each school in the City of Newcastle upon Tyne including private finance initiative projects in each year since 1997–98; and what type of project it was in each case. [154616]

Mr. Miliband

The majority of capital support is allocated to schools and local education authorities (LEAs) by formula, and they decide how to invest it in line with their asset management plans. The Department does not, therefore, have complete information about all the capital investments in each school; this should be held locally. The following table sets out the capital support made by this Government to Newcastle upon Tyne LEA since 1997–98, in total and by programme, including devolved formula capital grants to each school.

We have also allocated indicative funding for future years worth approximately £70 million in 2004–05 (this includes £60 million of PFI credits) and £5 million in 2005–06. Additionally we have just announced that Newcastle LEA will be part of the first wave of Building Schools for the Future commencing in 2005–06. We will be working with the LEA over the coming months to confirm details and funding of their plans.

Capital allocations for Newcastle upon Tyne LEA
Newcastle upon Tyne LEA capital allocations 1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04
Assistance with Asset Management Plans 33
Formulaic funding for VA schools 45 262 340
Basic Need 407 451 896 644 241 79 181
City Learning Centres 1200
Class Size initiative 367 70 80 342
Condition 1955 3058 3907
Devolved Formula 1787 1434 2173 3351
Energy 70
Modernisation 1346 2533
New Deal for Schools (NDS) 1 487
NDS2 4612
NDS 3 6318
NDS 4 3300
Nursery Provision 65
Private Finance Initiative 47100
School Labs 170 170
School Security 68 84 85 84 57 49
Schools Access Initiative 30 70 100 139 220 355 519
Seed Challenge 172 193 321 318
Specialist Schools 300
Staff Workspace 68 135
Supplementary Credit Approvals 1185 1394 605 353
Targeted Capital Funding 430
Targeted Capital Funding—VA 4996
Voluntary Aided School Grant 837 702 237 328 1216 653
Total 3014 7750 8344 7069 54956 8364 16280