HL Deb 23 February 2004 vol 658 cc4-5WA
Lord Northbourne

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they are satisfied with the development to date of the Connexions Service; how many local authority areas are now covered by the service; and what services they are currently providing or procuring for young people. [HL1199]

Baroness Ashton of Upholland

The Connexions Service has made excellent progress since its launch on a phased basis in 2001. The network of Connexions Partnerships was completed in April 2003 covering every local authority in England.

The Connexions Service is on course to meet its main target of reducing the proportion of young people aged 16 to 18 who are not in education, employment or training by 10 per cent by November 2004. Research commissioned by the Department for Education and Skills has concluded that joint working between agencies providing services for young people has improved since Connexions was launched. In another departmental survey, young people rated the Connexions Service highly: over 90 per cent of those who had used Connexions were satisfied with the services provided.

Connexions offers initial information and advice on the full range of learning options to 19 and beyond; in depth guidance and support, or access to specialist help, on anything that might prove a barrier to learning; and access to personal development opportunities to help a young person grow into a rounded independent citizen. In offering development opportunities and personal support, Connexions works with youth and social services, health services and a range of voluntary and community organisations. The service is available in Connexions one-stop shops and community access points; and in schools and colleges. Over 2 million visits were made by young people to Connexions front-line services in 2003. All young people will have access to advice and guidance through Connexions Direct (18 hours a day 365 days a year) by April 2004.