HC Deb 12 February 2004 vol 417 cc1722-4W
Mr. Simon Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what regulations govern the use of special cells for young offenders; and if he will make a statement. [154201]

Paul Goggins

Prison Service Order 1600 sets out the regulations that govern the use of special accommodation for all offenders.

The definition of special accommodation is:

  1. (i) A cell which has been designated as a special cell; or
  2. (ii) An unfurnished cell: a cell which is designated and usually used for ordinary accommodation purposes but from which the usual furniture has been removed and which is either totally unfurnished or does not contain basic items of furniture such as a table and a chair.

Special accommodation may be used for the temporary confinement of a violent or refractory prisoner, but only if its use:

  1. (i) Is necessary in order to prevent the prisoner causing self-injury, injuring another prisoner or staff, or damaging property, or creating a disturbance; and
  2. (ii) Has been properly approved (ie No prisoner shall be placed in special accommodation except on the prior authority of the Governor/Controller in charge).

A prisoner must not be confined in special accommodation as a punishment and, as soon as the original justification for the use of the special accommodation has ceased, the prisoner must be moved from that accommodation. If a prisoner refuses to move from special accommodation and his/her behaviour is such as to require the continued use of special accommodation, then special accommodation may continue to be used.

There are no specific rules governing the use of special accommodation for young offenders generally. Rule 51 of the YOI Rules allows temporary confinement in a special cell to be used for juveniles (under 18s).

Mr. Simon Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many young offenders have been kept in solitary confinement for over(a) a day, (b) two days, (c) three days, (d) four days, (e) five days, (f) six days and (g) a week in each of the last five years. [154202]

Paul Goggins

The Prison Service does not restrain prisoners in 'Solitary Confinement'. Prisoners and Young Offenders can either be subject to segregation procedures, or they can be held in 'Special Accommodation' (special cells or unfurnished cells).

The Prison Service does not centrally monitor the use of segregation.

The forms used to authorise the use of Special Accommodation are in the process of being reviewed, along with a general review of the policy on Use of Force. Unfortunately, the current forms require very little detail about individual incidents, and therefore there are no data for how long prisoners and young offenders have been held in special accommodation. However, very few prisoners are held in special accommodation for periods exceeding 24 hours.

The following table therefore shows the total number of young offenders who have been held in special accommodation for the years for which figures are currently available.

Number of young offenders restrained in Special Accommodation 1997–2002
Males Females Total All types of establishments
1997 194 31 225 2,836
1998 270 4 274 2,557
1999 317 29 346 2,223
2000 447 8 455 2,215
2001 372 43 415 2,778
2002 264 17 281 2,245

Mr. Simon Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what the longest period of time that a young offender has been in solitary confinement is since 1997. [154203]

Paul Goggins

The Prison Service does not restrain prisoners in 'Solitary Confinement'. Prisoners and young offenders can either be subject to segregation procedures, or they can be held in 'Special Accommodation' (special cells or unfurnished cells).

The length of time that young offenders are held in special accommodation is not collated centrally and could only be obtained at disproportionate cost.

Mr. Simon Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many young offenders from Wales were placed in special cells at youth prisons in each of the last five years. [154204]

Paul Goggins

Information on the origin of young offenders who are placed in special cells could only be obtained at disproportionate cost.