HC Deb 09 February 2004 vol 417 cc1332-3W
31. Ms Keeble

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs what steps are being taken to develop the Community Legal Service. [153660]

Mr. Lammy

The Legal Services Commission, on behalf of my Department, is examining new ways of delivering services through the Partnership Initiative Budget and Methods of Delivery Pilots. These programmes will increase access to provision of legal and advice services for those most in need. An independent review is taking place to evaluate the impact of the CLS after three years of live operation. The report is due by 31 March 2004. Informed by the report's recommendations, Ministers will then decide how to build on the success of the CLS since its introduction.

John Mann

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs what the current backlog of cases is in the Community Legal Service. [153357]

Mr. Lammy

I take the 'backlog of cases' to mean the applications for civil representation received by the Legal Services Commission but not yet processed. The figures as at 30 January 2004 were as follows:

  • Family applications: 2,667
  • Non-Family applications: 584
  • Civil amendments/authorities applications: 2,313
  • Emergency applications: 346

For comparison purposes, the average number of applications received per week is currently as follows:

  • Family applications: 2,133
  • Non-Family applications: 522
  • Civil amendments/authorities applications: 3,210
  • Emergency applications: 989