§ Lord Stoddart of Swindonasked Her Majesty's Government:
Whether they will publish as a Command Paper or other document, setting down for each article, protocol, declaration, or other part of the final version of the text of the Constitution for the European Union signed in Rome on 29 October:
- (a) those parts already in force in the United Kingdom by virtue of existing treaties, or other agreements, already in force;
- (b) those that will be enforceable after ratification; and
- (c) similar particulars for each signatory state, or indication of where such particulars may be obtained. [HL164]
§ Baroness Symons of Vernham DeanFollowing the commitment made to Parliament by my right honourable friend the Prime Minister on 4 May (Official Report, col. 1456W), we are preparing an analysis of the EU Constitution comparing it with the existing EU and Community treaties and indicating which parts of the constitution correspond to provisions in the existing treaties and which parts are new. We now intend to publish it early in 2005.
§ Lord Stoddart of Swindonasked Her Majesty's Government:
Following the entry into force in the United Kingdom of the European Union Constitutional Treaty, which body would have the final power of (a) interpreting the wording of the constitution; and (b) determining its application in the United Kingdom. [HL251]
§ Baroness Symons of Vernham DeanThe bodies which under existing law have power to interpret the EU and Community treaties and to determine their application in the United Kingdom will have a similar role in relation to the EU Constitutional Treaty, if it comes into force for the UK.