HL Deb 08 December 2004 vol 667 c41WA
Baroness Byford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether sponsor departments other than the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs will contribute to the "RDA single Pot" as set out in the Rural Strategy 2004; if so, how much will come from each department and when; and whether such contributions are included in the spending figures of £72 million in 2005–06, £73 million in 2006–07 and £74 million in 2007–08. [HL150]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Lord Whitty)

Six government departments contribute to the RDA Single Programme (the "Single Pot"). Responsibility for sponsorship of the RDAs rests with DTI.

Following the Spending Review 2004 the planned contributions are:

£ million
2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08
Trade and Industry 234 463 476 483
Office of Deputy Prime Minister 1,511 1,568 1,633 1,676
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 46 72 73 74
Education and Skills 42 43 44 45
UKTI 13 13 13 13
Culture, Media and Sport 2 6 6 6
Totals1 1,847 2,163 2,244 2,297
1 Totals do not sum due to rounding

Source—HM Treasury—July 2004

Defra's baseline contribution (rising to £50.5 million in 2005–06) is to be increased by £21.3 million from 2005. This increase is in recognition of the larger role RDAs will play in delivering Defra policies, as detailed in the Rural Strategy 2004.