HC Deb 29 April 2004 vol 420 cc1207-8W
Norman Baker

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what the total(a) area and (b) production in cubic metres of (i) broadleaf and (ii) coniferous woodland was in each year since 1980 (A) in England and (B) broken down by region. [165799]

Mr. Bradshaw

A national woodland survey is carried out by the Forestry Commission at intervals of between 15 and 20 years. Comparative areas of woodland1 in 1980 and 1998 were published in the latest National Inventory of Woodland and Trees, Regional Inventory reports. The figures are given in the following table.

Thousand hectares
19802 19983
Region Broadleaves Conifers Broadleaves Conifers
North-East 16.2 73.3 24.5 69.2
North-West 33.0 39.4 46.7 39.8
Yorkshire and the


39.0 37.4 46.1 35.4
East Midlands 37.8 21.6 52.9 17.9
West Midlands 44.1 28.3 63.1 25.7
East of England 59.4 40.7 90.2 37.5
London 5.4 0.3 5.5 0.2
South East 138.2 59.1 173.6 52.4
South West 95.7 63.8 137.4 60.8
Total England 468.8 363.9 640.0 338.9
1Excluding open space, coppice and felled areas awaiting replanting.
21980 Census of Woodland.
3National Inventory of Woodland and Trees—Regional Inventory Reports. Reference dates varied by region 1995 to 1999.
4Differences in sampling methodology between 1980 and 1998 may account for some of the differences.
5In the 1980 Census the area assigned to broadleaves and conifers included any associated open space such as roads and rides. In the 1998 Inventory open spaces are separately identified and to obtain meaningful comparison between the two datasets the 1980 Census data has been reduced by the percentage of open space identified in the 1998 Inventory (nationally 6.5 per cent.).

Timber production is not recorded by region and the estimate for total England production is given in the following table.

1Removals in million cubic metres overbark standing
Hardwoods (from

broadleafed trees)

Softwood (from

conifer trees)

1980 1.2 1.3
1981 1.2 1.3
1982 1.0 1.4
1983 0.8 1.4
1984 0.8 1.5
1985 0.9 1.5
1986 0.9 1.7
1987 0.8 1.9
1988 1.1 2.3
1989 1.2 2.5
1990 1.1 2.5
1991 1.1 2.5
1992 0.8 2.6
1993 0.7 2.3
1994 0.8 2.6
1995 0.9 2.5
1996 0.8 2.4
1997 0.8 2.2
1998 0.7 2.1
1999 0.7 2.2
2000 0.6 2.1
2001 0.6 2.0
2002 0.6 1.8
1Based on figures put fished in Forestry Facts and Figures for 1980–94, adjusted to consistent definition. Later figures for private sector removals estimated from a GB survey for 2000–02 and interpolated.