HC Deb 29 April 2004 vol 420 cc1206-7W
Norman Baker

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what the percentage tree cover in each EU member state was(a) on the latest date for which figures are available, (b) 10 years ago and (c) 20 years ago. [165798]

Mr. Bradshaw

Based on information collected by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation forest as a percentage of land area is given in the table as follows.

Country 20001 19901 19802
Austria 47 46 45


22 23 23
Denmark 11 10 11
Finland 72 72 76
France 28 27 28
Germany 31 31 29
Greece 28 26 45
Ireland 10 7 6
Italy 34 33 27
Netherlands 11 11 10
Portugal 40 34 35
Spain 29 27 25
Sweden 66 66 68
United Kingdom 12 11 9
1FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000. Definitions of forest can vary between countries and over time.
2 FAO The Forest Resources of the ECE Region, published 1985. The years covered vary between countries, although most are around 1980. Definitions of forest can vary between countries.

Norman Baker

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what recent steps(a) have been taken and (b) are planned to improve tree health. [165800]

Mr. Bradshaw

The need to maintain, and improve where necessary, the health and vitality of trees is integral to the government's approach to sustainable forest management. We have set this out in the UK Forestry Standard and its supporting literature, which contain many specific measures for protecting woodland and improving tree health. All woodland management by the Forestry Commission is consistent with this standard and we expect private woodland owners that receive grant aid from the Forestry Commission to also meet the standard. The government has encouraged the development of the voluntary UK Woodland Assurance Standard that provides an independent verification of compliance with good practice and measures to ensure the continuing good health of woodland. We shall continue to ensure compliance with the UK Forest Standard in those woods managed by the Forestry Commission and encourage it in the private sector. We will improve, through research, our knowledge of factors affecting tree health and we shall maintain a vigilant guard against the establishment of non-native pests and diseases.