HC Deb 29 April 2004 vol 420 c1238W
Mr. Webb

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will estimate, based on his Department's policy simulation model for 2004–05, for(a) all households, (b) all pensioner households, (c) all households headed by a pensioner over 70 and (d) all households headed by a pensioner aged 70 or above, the average level of (i) gross council tax and (ii) council tax net of rebates expressed as a percentage of household income. [169644]

Malcolm Wicks

The information is in the table. Estimates are modelled using the DWP Policy Simulation Model for 2004–05. This model is based on 2001–02 Family Resources Survey data, uprated to 2004–05 prices, benefit rates and earnings levels. It is then grossed up to forecast population totals for that year. The following table shows the information requested.

Average gross

council tax as a

percentage of




council tax net

of rebates as a

percentage of



All households 4 3
All pensioner households 5 3
All households headed by a pensioner aged over 70 6 3
All households headed by a pensioner aged 70 or over 6 3
1. Gross council tax figures are net of any discounts.
2. Household income is net of income tax and national insurance contributions, and is unequivalised.
3. Estimates assume 100 per cent. take up of council tax benefit.