HC Deb 19 April 2004 vol 420 c45W
Mr. Hoban

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if he will list each of the initiatives announced by his Department since June 1997 on(a) music, (b) dance and (c) drama, including (i) the month and year of the announcement and (ii) its cost. [165292]

Mr. Miliband

My Department has supported many projects in these areas since June 19S 7. In respect of schools and further education, the following programmes have been instigatedThe Music Standards Fund was estahlished in 1999 to protect and expand LEA music services. Approximately £270 million will have been invested by the end of the financial year 2003–04. 13 "Wider Opportunities" pilots in music have been undertaken; in March 2004 I announced £1.5 million investment to help LEAs develop their own pilots. The Music and Dance (Aided pupil) Scheme began in 1981. The Department has spent a total of £79.5 14 million on the Scheme from 1997–98 to 2003–04. A new complementary national grants scheme for exceptionally talented children will be piloted from September 2004. 181 of the 259 designated specialist arts colleges since June 1997 have a performing arts (music, dance and drama) or music focus. Specialist schools receive a one-off capital grant of £100,000 and additional recurrent funding of £126 per pupil per year for each of the four years covered by their specialist school development plans. The Dance and Drama Awards, for post-16 students, have cost £55 million since they were announced in 1998, with a further £15 million allocated for 2004–05. Dance is one of six areas of activity within the National Curriculum programme of study for physical education. Between April 2003 and September 2006, we are investing over £459 million to transform PE and school sport.