HC Deb 19 September 2003 vol 410 c1062W
Mr. Kidney

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what representations he has received from road hauliers and their associations on his proposal for use of motorway hard shoulders within the Active Traffic Management project. [130968]

Mr. Jamieson

No formal representation has been received from road hauliers and their associations on the proposals for the controlled use of the hard shoulder within the Active Traffic Management project. However, as part of the preparation for the trial of Active Traffic Management on the M42, the Highways Agency commissioned research to assess user attitudes to the Active Traffic Management proposals. The views of HGV drivers that use the M42 were sought as part of this work.

Representatives of the Highways Agency have also met and discussed the proposals for the M42 with a range of key stakeholders including the local emergency services. The road hauliers associations will be consulted in the future as part of the on-going stakeholder liaison.

Mr. Kidney

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what plans he has to include in his public education programme the promotion of good lane discipline among the users of motorways. [130969]

Mr. Jamieson

There is a specific section in the "Motorways" part of the Highway Code on lane discipline. The Department has also produced a leaflet 'A guide to safer motorway driving' which includes advice on lane discipline.