HC Deb 11 September 2003 vol 410 cc486-9W
Mr. Yeo

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many staff the Department and each agency and non-departmental public body for which the Department is responsible had in each year since 1997; and what the cost of those staff was in each of those years. [122257]

Mr. Pearson

The information is as follows:


The staffing figures to reflect both NI Civil Servants and Home Civil Servants, in each year since 1997, for the Northern Ireland Office, the Northern Ireland Departments and their respective Agencies, are set out in Tables A and B.

The staffing figures for associated NDPBs are available from the Cabinet Office in its annual publication "Public Bodies". The information includes details of the number of staff employed by each NDPB at 31 March each year. "Public Bodies 2002" was published in January 2003. Copies of "Public Bodies" published each year since 1997 are available in the Libraries of both Houses.

Table A: Staffing—Northern Ireland Office and Agencies
1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03
Core Department 992 964 961 935 930 1,003
Compensation Agency 120 131 120 130 132 139
Forensic Science NI 122 120 118 122 130 132
NI Prison Service 3,212 3,017 2,730 2,119 2,124 1,989
Total 4,446 4,232 3,929 3,306 3,316 3,263

Table B: Staffing—Northern Ireland Departments and Agencies
1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03
Core NI Departments 6,312 5,941 5,866 7,529 7,896 8,937
Business Development Service 227 238 278 268 266 246
Child Support Agency 294 306 321 319 394 426
Construction Service 576 557 516 509 507 1
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency 275 297 320 351 398 414
Driver and Vehicle Testing Agency 318 326 319 348 391 445
Environment and Heritage Service 352 360 354 372 410 522
Forest Service 412 395 387 372 360
Government Purchasing Agency 72 91 100 79 89 1
Industrial Research and Technology Unit 143 141 148 154 171 2
Land Registers for NI 205 199 195 194 201 232
NI Health and Social Services Estates Agency3 120 117 114 119 119 122
NI Statistics and Research Agency 177 219 255 290 301 318
Ordnance Survey NI 177 178 175 176 179 197
Planning Service 386 420 452 484 529 592
Public Record Office NI 62 67 68 70 69 73
Rate Collection Agency 256 250 233 238 234 261
Rivers Agency 460 431 420 402 408 441
Roads Service 2,207 2,163 2,162 2,175 2,230 2,214
Social Security Agency 5,555 5,582 5,526 5,732 6,091 6,194
Training and Employment Agency 1,318 1,365 1,269 1 1 1
Valuation and Lands Agency 270 222 267 268 279 261
Water Service 2,278 2,228 2,216 2,176 2,202 2,147
Sub-total 15,728 16,169 16,103 15,111 15,840 15,465
Total4 22,040 22,110 21,969 22,640 23,736 24,402
1 Part of NI Departmental Core in that year.
2 Part of Invest NI (NDPB) in that year.
3 Average figures provided.
4 Excludes NI civil servants working in NDPBs.

Staff costs

With the introduction of Devolution in Northern Ireland in December 1999, Northern Ireland Departments restructured and increased in number from six to 11. In addition, as a consequence of the transitions to resource accounting, outturn information from 2000–01 onwards is held on a resource basis, prior to this only cash based information is available. For these reasons, the only years for which comparable outturn information is available is for 2000–01 onwards. However, the outturn information provided for 2002–03 is based on provisional outturn and therefore is not directly comparable to 2000–01 or 2001–02, which are based on final outturn.

Staffing costs for the Northern Ireland Office and the Northern Ireland Departments and their respective Agencies are set out in Table C.

The staffing costs for associated NDPBs of the Northern Ireland Office and the Northern Ireland Departments are available from the annual accounts of each body.

Table C: Staffing cost for Departments and their Agencies
Department 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03
Northern Ireland Office 115,000 115,000 119,000
of which:
Compensation Agency 2,470 2,605 2,915
Forensic Science Northern Ireland 3,549 3,743 4,092
Compensation Agency 82,256 70,867 75,069
DARD 76,575 86,320 83,804
of which:
Forest Service Agency 6,989 6,479 5,890
Rivers Agency 8,606 10,219 9,064
DCAL 8,642 9,609 12,388
of which:
Ordnance Survey (NI) 4,625 4,801 5,693
Public Records Office (NI) 1,493 1,509 1,784
DE 14,767 16,443 16,893
DEL 30,698 28,543 33,731
DETI 27,774 29,623 16,548
of which:
Industrial Research and Technology Unit 4,023 4,573 1
DFP 54,121 65,429 64.944
of which:
Business Development Service 5,880 5.905 5,755
Rates Collection Agency 4,273 4,106 4,817
Valuation and Lands Agency 7,292 7,910 7,430
NI Statistics and Research Agency 6,438 8,743 7,011
Central Procurement Directorate 2,104 2,069 2,238
Construction Service 15,005 14,565 14,194
DHSSPS 24,682 26,659 28,584
of which:
Health Estates Agency 4,028 4,120 4,309
DOE 33,074 32,800 44,619
of which:
Driver and Vehicle Testing Agency 0 617 622
Driver and Vehicle Licensing NI 9,081 7,338 11,253
Planning Service 11,166 12,090 14,022
Environment and Heritage Service 8,329 9,005 12,287
DRD 115,317 108,368 112,534
of which:
Roads Service 50,334 46,420 48,900
Water Service 52,713 49,815 51,046
DSD 131,596 144,027 154,792
of which:
Child Support Agency 5,767 7,278 8,104
Social Security Agency 82,954 91,510 98,390
OFMDFM 7,766 9,675 11,475
Total 525,012 557,496 580,312
1IRTU became part of Invest NI from 2002–03 and is included in DETI composite figure for that year.


1. Figure work for 2000–01 and 2001–02 based on Final Outturn.

2. Figure work for 2002–03 based on Provisional Outturn.