§ Mr. Peter RobinsonTo ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how much gap funding has been awarded, broken down by district council area; and what the purpose of each award was. [123796]
§ Mr. PearsonA list detailing the amount of gap funding awarded by district council area, and a list of projects awarded gap funding by district council area have been placed in the House of Commons Library.
The purpose of each gap funding award was to ensure that projects funded under the 1994–99 round of Structural Funds (PEACE I and The Northern Ireland Single Programme) which were considered likely to be eligible for support under the new round, 2000–06, were sustained during the negotiation of the PEACE II and Building Sustainable Prosperity Programmes.
Table 1: List of the amounts of gap funding awarded by district council area
£ District council area Amount of gap funding awarded
Amount of gap funding awarded
Antrim 89,301 — Ards 245,900 87,934 Armagh 594,875 — Ballymena 151,751 58,918 Ballymoney 73,669 — Banbridge 104,198 — Belfast 8,671,977 483,891 Carrickfergus 119,888 — Castlereagh 53,456 — Coleraine 76,445 46,105 Cookstown 294,243 — Craigavon 488,620 153,948 Derry 1,938,126 684,987 Down 178,633 — Dungannon 590,515 — Fermanagh 401,295 35,508 Lame 183,286 — Limavady 285,284 77,918 Lisburn 570,509 — Magherafelt 128,190 142,750 Moyle 181,422 — Newry and Mourne 580,326 51,309 Newtownabbey 108,341 99,466 North Down 119,293 — Omagh 451,493 — Strabane 544,305 — Unclassified 476,782 15,442,818 Total 17,702,123 17,365,552 Note
Unclassified successful gap funding applications are those that either clearly benefited two or more district councils or that don't contain sufficient address information and therefore cannot be classified within any specific district council.
Table 2: List of projects awarded gap funding by district council area
Antrim district council BSP N/a Peace Harps project Just Kids Afterschools Club Youth Sport North East