HC Deb 08 September 2003 vol 410 cc61-2W
Annabelle Ewing

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many(a) police officers and (b) civilian support staff there were in each English constabulary in the last year for which figures are available. [127207]

Ms Blears

The latest available police officer strength figure is for 31 December 2002, that for police staff is for 31 March 2002.

The figures are set out in the table.

Police and civilian support staff strength
Force Police officer strength as at 31 December 2002 Police staff strength as at 31 March 2002
Avon and Somerset 3,172 1,611
Bedfordshire 1,097 524
Cambridgeshire 1,388 733
Cheshire 2,084 884
Cleveland 1,561 626
Cumbria 1,121 631
Derbyshire 2,010 953
Devon and Cornwall 3,176 1,639
Dorset 1,403 741
Durham 1,645 660
Essex 2,995 1,571
Gloucestershire 1,187 545
Greater Manchester 7,347 3,135
Hampshire 3,636 1,597

Activity area Policy areas covered
Reduction in crime and the fear of crime Policing, police standards and reform, reduction of crime (including Crime and Disorder Partnerships) and the fear of crime, street crime and community safety; youth crime prevention; anti-social behaviour; football disorder; criminal records; road safety enforcement, firearms
Reduction of organised and international crime Counter-terrorism, international and European law enforcement and judicial cooperation, extradition; policing of organised and financial crime, high tech crime
Ensuring the effective delivery of justice Overall responsibility for reform and modernisation of the criminal justice system (CJS), including CJS IT, building confidence in the CJS, narrowing the justice gap for victims and witnesses. Criminal law and criminal policy, legislation including Criminal Justice Bill and Sexual Offences Bill, policy on criminal procedure and evidence, CJS race issues
Delivering effective custodial and community sentences to reduce re-offending and protect the public Effective enforcement of the sentences of the courts; public protection, rehabilitation and reducing re-offending; managing performance of the prison, probation and youth justice services
Reducing the availability and abuse of dangerous drugs Overall responsibility for the anti-drugs strategy; enforcement and criminal justice interventions
Regulating entry to and settlement in the UK effectively, in the interests of sustainable growth and social inclusion Nationality, immigration and asylum, including work permits; citizenship and inward migration; UK Passport Service
Supporting strong and active communities in which people of all races and backgrounds are valued and participate Race equality and community cohesion; civil renewal, active citizenship and the voluntary and community sector. Regulation and licensing of animal scientific procedures; coroners; entitlement cards. Home Office input to policy on young people and families
Central services Research and statistics; human resources; finance (including departmental unallocated provision); corporate development and support
Police and civilian support staff strength
Force Police officer strength as at 31 December 2002 Police staff strength as at 31 March 2002
Hertfordshire 1,920 1,121
Humberside 2,113 816
Kent 3,441 1,958
Lancashire 3,368 1,442
Leicestershire 2,099 816
Lincolnshire 1,224 600
London, City of 797 247
Merseyside 4,180 1,532
Metropolitan Police 27,229 10,459
Norfolk 1,503 819
Northamptonshire 1,192 742
Northumbria 3,976 1,403
North Yorkshire 1,379 743
Nottinghamshire 2,407 1,087
South Yorkshire 3,183 1,352
Staffordshire 2,228 1,030
Suffolk 1,236 692
Surrey 1,983 1,043
Sussex 2,937 1,507
Thames Valley 3,852 2,061
Warwickshire 993 459
West Mercia 2,160 1,116
West Midlands 7,792 3,007
West Yorkshire 5,029 2,364
Wiltshire 1,121 649
Total (England) 123,163 54,913