HL Deb 08 September 2003 vol 652 cc19-20WA
Lord Vivian

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When the British and United States Governments will produce a coherent plan, with a clear timetable, for the political and physical reconstruction of Iraq. [HL4218]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean

Coalition plans for political and physical rehabilitation are as follows:

The Iraqi Governing Council formed on 13 July is the principal element of the interim administration called for in Resolution 1483 and has been welcomed by the UN. The council has significant powers that will increase over time. An early task for the council is to determine how a new constitution should be prepared. Once adopted, it will pave the way for elections and an internationally recognised representative Iraqi Government to which the coalition will hand over its powers and responsibilities.

Our immediate priorities in securing the physical reconstruction of Iraq are the restoration of law and order and ensuring that basic public services are returned to a fully functioning state. The Iraqi police force is up and running and conducting patrols with coalition military and we are working on the rebuilding of a new Iraqi army. We are also working with the Iraqi ministries to enable them to improve on the social and physical infrastructure of Iraq and develop a robust economic policy, which will empower the Iraqi people to manage their own free market democracy.

Timing of both the political process and of reconstruction will depend on how quickly the interim administration can take these issues forward, with coalition/UN help.

Lord Vivian

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What the Bremer administration is doing to restore the Iraqi police force, civil service, judiciary, armed forces and customs services; and what resources the Bremer administration has in Iraq to achieve these tasks. [HL4220]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean

The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) is working with the United Nations and the international community on all aspects of the reconstruction of Iraq, as called for in United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1483.

We are making progress. The Iraqi police force is up and running and conducting patrols with the coalition military. Prisons and courts are open to try those arrested. The new Iraqi army has started recruiting with the aim of recruiting and training a 40,000 strong force in the next two years. The CPA is working with 19 Iraqi ministries, including on the immigration and customs side, and civil servants are returning to work.

To pay for the reconstruction process, UNSCR 1483 enables the CPA to draw from the oil revenues and seized Iraqi assets transferred to the Development Fund for Iraq. The UK and other international contributors have also committed resources and specialists to help in the reconstruction process.

Lord Vivian

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What resources Ambassador Bremer possesses to conduct the government of Iraq efficiently and effectively; what funds this requires: and where those funds will come from. [HL4221]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean

Ambassador Bremer has a staff of around 1,200 secondees.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1483 enables the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) to draw from the oil revenues and seized Iraqi assets transferred to the Development Fund for Iraq in order to pay for public expenditure in Iraq. The interim 2003 budget for Iraq makes provision for the restoration and upgrading of the administrative infrastructure of Iraq, in addition to the payment of public sector wages. Details of the budget for 2003 are available on the CPA website at www.cpa-iraq.org/Budget2003.pdf.

The 2004 Budget will be drawn up by the Iraqi Governing Council, formed on 13 July, together with the CPA and representatives of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and United Nations Development Programme. The Governing Council also has the right to consider substantial amendments to the 2003 interim budget.