HC Deb 29 October 2003 vol 412 cc305-7W
Vera Baird

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs how long the average waiting time has been for hearing small claims in the small claims court which serves the Teesside area in the last six months. [134296]

Mr. Leslie

Under the Department's Public Service Agreement with HM Treasury, the average waiting time for a small claim is measured from allocation to the small claim track to the disposal hearing and should be no more than 15 weeks. There are 12 county courts within the Tyne-Tees group that conduct small claims hearings, and in the period April to September 2003, the group's average was 9.7 weeks.

Vera Baird

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs what proportion of(a) claimants and (b) defendants was legally represented at any stage of actions in the small claims court in the last three years. [134299]

Mr. Leslie

Figures relating to the representation status of each party in a small claims case are only available for the final hearing stage. The percentage of parties represented by a solicitor at this stage are provided in the table.

For claimant For defendant Total small claims hearings
2002 42.7 33.2 55,719
2001 50.9 39.1 58,333
2000 48.7 35.1 55,836

Vera Baird

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs how many claims the small claims court for the Teesside sub-region determined in each of the last three years. [134302]

Mr. Leslie

There are 12 county courts within the Tyne-Tees group that conduct small claims hearings. During 2002, the number of small claims disposed of by way of a hearing throughout the group was 1,146. In 2001, this figure was 1,572, and in 2000, it was 1,208.

Vera Baird

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs what the average cost per claim to claimants has been of pursuing a claim in the small claims court in the last five years. [134305]

Mr. Leslie

Claimants pay a fee on issue of proceedings. A small proportion will pay a fee on allocation to track (principally defended claims). Taking both fees into account, the average paid in fees on small claims (up to £5,000) issued in county courts was, over the last five years:

1999 57.50
2000 63.33
2001 63.33
2002 63.33
2003 61.83

Some claimants (on small and large claims) will additionally seek specific orders during the course of proceedings and some of those who have obtained judgment will issue enforcement proceedings. In both cases, further fees will be payable. It is not possible to attribute these extra fees to the average payable on small claims, specifically.

Vera Baird

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs how many claims were dealt with by the small claims court in England and Wales in(a) 2000–01, (b) 2001–02 and (c) 2002–03. [134306]

Mr. Leslie

During 2000–01, the number of small claims disposed of by way of a hearing was 58,730. In 2001–02, this figure was 54,742, and in 2002–03, it was 56,988.

Vera Baird

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs what the average time has been from filing a claim to a hearing date in the small claims court in each of the last five years. [134307]

Mr. Leslie

The figures asked for are provided in the table.

Average waiting time (weeks)
2002 31
2001 28
2000 29
1999 26
1998 24