HC Deb 23 October 2003 vol 411 cc727-8W
Mr. Lidington

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister (1) if he will list the sites in each of the growth areas defined in the Government's Sustainable Development Plan that have been designated as sites of European importance for birds under the Birds Directive; [132671]

(2) if he will list the sites of special scientific interest that are within each of the grant areas in South-East England designated under the Sustainable Communities Plan; [132674]

(3) if he will list the (a) areas of outstanding natural beauty, (b) ancient woodland and (c) national nature reserves that lie within the grant areas designated under his Sustainable Communities Plan. [132675]

Yvette Cooper

The Chilterns and Kent Downs Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) fall within the growth areas.

A list of Sites of Special Interests (SSSI), National Nature Reserves (NNRs), ancient woodlands and Special Protection Areas under the Birds Directive (SPAs), within local authorities covered by the growth areas is available in the Library of the House. All NNRs and SPAs are also SSSIs, as are some ancient woodlands. Owners and occupiers of SSSIs must obtain consent from English Nature before carrying out any operations on their SSSIs that are likely to damage the special conservation interest. Government Departments and public bodies must similarly consult English Nature before carrying out or permitting any operation likely to damage the special conservation interest of SSSIs.

The Communities Plan sets out a framework for housing growth within the principles of sustainable development. That means high density, high quality design and easy access to public transport and other public services. It restates our commitment to develop brownfield first, and to protect and enhance the green belt, minimising adverse environmental impacts. In the Milton Keynes South Midlands area, for example, local and regional partners have put forward proposals for housing growth which fall overwhelmingly in and around the existing urban areas.

These and other growth proposals will be examined through the Regional Planning Guidance process. Areas such as AONBs and SSSIs receive a high degree of protection from the planning system because of the national importance of their landscapes and their nature conservation value. National planning policies on these areas are set out in Planning Policy Guidance Notes 7 and 9.

In order to ensure that growth proposals enhance and improve countryside and nature conservation, we are actively enhancing green spaces within the growth areas. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is currently drawing up a green space strategy for the Thames Gateway, and are developing a programme to improve the quality and accessibility of strategic green spaces in and around the other growth areas.

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