HL Deb 21 October 2003 vol 653 cc173-4WA
Baroness Byford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Whitty on 3 June (WA 151), whether the 4,500 overdue herd tests have been carried out; and what is the current backlog on tuberculosis testing (excluding any carry forward from those 4,500) [HL4864]

Lord Whitty

Data extracted from the State Veterinary Service (SVS) database show that, on 31 August 2003, the overall number of overdue tests stood at 3,134, down almost 200 tests from 31 July 2003. The current number of overdue TB tests is below the level prior the onset of the foot and mouth disease outbreak of 2001.

Almost 30 per cent, of these 3,134 tests have been overdue less than one month. the nature of TB testing is such that most TB tests are completed on or shortly after their due date. Delays in the submission of test results from veterinary practices can result in those tests appearing as outstanding on the date that the statistics were compiled, even if the herds in question had already been tested.

Another 12 per cent. of these tests have been overdue by six months or more. All those herds have been under movement restrictions at least since last April. Despite the gradual reduction in the number of overdue TB tests there is no room for complacency. With effect from 1 October, and on the first working day of each month thereafter, the SVS is placing under restriction any herds in which a TB test becomes overdue by more than three months.