HL Deb 06 October 2003 vol 653 cc19-20WA
Lord Ahmed

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they support inter-faith, inter-religious dialogue within communities in the United Kingdom; and what initiatives have been taken to encourage this work. [HL4462]

Baroness Scotland of Asthal

The Government strongly support inter-faith dialogue in the United Kingdom. My department provides core funding to the Inter Faith Network, which since 1987 has been linking inter-faith initiatives and developing good relations between people of different faiths in this country. Recently we have provided additional funding to the network to carry out a survey of local inter-faith activity and produce a good-practice leaflet. We welcome the activities of the many other well-established inter-faith initiatives operating in this country, and my colleagues have on many occasions met representatives of these and offered encouragement.

The Community Cohesion Faith Practitioners Group, one of the many groups which my department has established to help us promote community cohesion, is looking at how faith communities can co-operate in local areas to address social problems. The present review of the Government's Interface with the Faith Communities, led by my honourable friend Fiona Mactaggart, is making good progress and is due to report at the end of this year. It is identifying more effective ways for relevant perspectives from faith communities to be taken into account when planning government policy. This should also have the effect of encouraging co-operation between faith communities in responding to government initiatives.

Finally, we have taken the opportunity of occasions like the Millennium and Golden Jubilee celebrations to bring together religious leaders and young people from the different faith communities to discuss issues and explore their shared values. Noble Lords may recall the shared act of reflection and commitment by the faith communities of the United Kingdom, which took place in this House on 3 January 2000

This process will be continued though a number of mock Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings for young people, including many from the faith communities, which my department is planning in association which the Royal Commonwealth Society. We expect that up to six of these will take place around the United Kingdom during the month of November, with their conclusions being presented to the real Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Nigeria in December.