HL Deb 20 November 2003 vol 654 c358WA
Lord Oakeshott of Seagrove Bay

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How much (i) bilateral and (ii) multilateral official development assistance they provided to the following countries for the most recent year for which figures are available: (a) Bolivia; (b) Brazil; (c) Ecuador; (d) Guyana; (e) Paraguay; (0 Peru; and (g) Grenada. [HL5566]

Baroness Amos

The tables below set out development assistance provided by HMG to the countries listed. The bilateral aid figures are for the financial year 2002–03 and the multilateral figures are for the calendar year 2001.

UK Bilateral aid in 2002–03
Country £ millions
Bolivia 9.3
Brazil 11.2
Ecuador 0.3
Guyana 12.2
Paraguay 0.1
Peru 3.4
Grenada 0.5

UK Multilateral aid in 2001
Country £ millions Of which EC £ millions
Bolivia 11.7 3.1
Brazil 16.3 8.0
Ecuador 1.1 0.7
Guyana 0.6 1.0
Paraguay 1.0 0.9
Peru 3.1 2.5
Grenada 0.4 0.0


Statistics on International Development and Imputed multilateral shares