HC Deb 19 November 2003 vol 413 cc1087-8W
Mr. Drew

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister if he will make a statement on the exception site planning principle for the provision of housing in villages. [140280]

Keith Hill

Current policy on providing for rural exception housing is set out in Planning Policy Guidance Note 3:Housing, Annex B. The policy allows local planning authorities to consider including a "rural exception policy" in their plans where there remains a lack of affordable housing to meet local needs. An exception policy enables a local planning authority to grant planning permission for small sites for affordable housing to meet local needs in perpetuity, within or adjoining existing villages, which may be subject to policies of restraint. The current policy advises that it is inappropriate for local planning authorities to allocate particular sites for affordable housing.

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's consultation document "Influencing the size, type and affordability of housing" proposes that the current policy on providing for rural exception housing is replaced by a policy that enables local planning authorities to identify sites solely for affordable housing, on land within or adjoining existing villages, which would not otherwise be released for housing. The consultation period officially closed on 31 October 2003, but responses after that date have been considered because of the postal dispute.

Mr. Drew

To ask the Deputy Prime Minister for what reasons the use of exception sites in rural areas is being replaced by a requirement for local authorities to provide a specified number of affordable units through application of planning gains. [140281]

Keith Hill

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's consultation document "Influencing the size, type and affordability of housing" proposes that the current policy on providing for rural exception housing set out in Annex B of Planning Policy Guidance Note 3: "Housing" is replaced by a policy that enables local planning authorities to identify sites solely for affordable housing, on land within or adjoining existing villages which would not otherwise be released for housing.

The proposal seeks to address concerns that the securing of affordable housing through the current rural exception policy takes too long. The proposed policy will provide affordable housing in a more considered way through the plan-making process. It is anticipated that it will deliver affordable housing where it is needed more effectively and more quickly than the current policy.