HL Deb 17 November 2003 vol 654 cc237-6WA
Baroness Blatch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

  1. (a) what are the names and qualifications of the two gender experts who have been assigned to Iraq;
  2. (b) what is the length and purpose of their assignment; and (c) what is the cost of sending them and supporting their work. [HL5054]

Baroness Amos

For the personal safety of those concerned, under the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information (exemption 1—defence and security and exemption 8—public employment) and due to the fact that this Answer will be made public, the names, locations in Iraq and salaries of the two gender experts who have been assigned to Iraq are being withheld.

Both gender experts are educated to Masters level. Both have broad experience in the field of social development. The first has a long career that has centred on women's rights, gender equality, gender violence and equal opportunities, working with local authorities, government departments and a range of non-governmental organisations. The second, who is seconded to DfID from a local authority, is currently working as an equality officer developing equality strategies in race, gender and ethnicity.

The two experts will provide strategic support to the Minister/Deputy Minister of Social Welfare and the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in addressing the needs of Iraqi women, and provide capacity and support to CPA-South and a local council in southern Iraq to promote gender equality and diversity.

Both experts will work in Iraq for up to six months. The cost of these deployments will be up to £152,000 in total.

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