§ Denzil DaviesTo ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many individuals who had been refused political asylum were deported in each of the last three years for which figures are available. [137060]
§ Beverley HughesDeportations are a just one type of removal; others include: persons subject to administrative removal, removal due to illegal entry action or those refused entry at port and subsequently removed.
706WThe table shows the number of asylum seekers who were removed from the United Kingdom between 2000 and 2002. These are steadily being increased.
Removals and voluntary departures1 of asylum applicants, 2000 to 20022
2000 2001 32002 Principal Applicants 8,980 9,285 10,740 Dependants4 N/a 1,495 3,170 1 Figures have been rounded to the nearest live. 2 Includes persons departing "voluntarily" after enforcement action has been initiated against them and persons leaving under the Assisted Voluntary Return Programmes run by the International Organisation for Migration, and removals on safe third country grounds. 3 Provisional data subject to change. 4 Data on dependants removed have been collected only since April 2001 onwards. N/A—Not available Information on asylum removals is published quarterly. The next publication will cover the third quarter (July to September) of 2003 and will be available from 27 November 2002 on the Home Office Research Development and Statistics Directorate website at: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/immigration1.html.
§ Denzil DaviesTo ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many individuals lost their appeals to the adjudicator against the refusal of political asylum in the last three years for which figures are available. [137061]
§ Beverley HughesThe latest available data is given in the following tables. The tables show the outcomes of appeals determined by adjudicators of the Immigration Appellate Authority (IAA), further appeals to the
Asylum appeals determined by adjudicators of the Immigration Appellate Authority, excluding dependants12 Number of principal appellants Allowed4 Dismissed4 Withdrawn4 Total determined3 Total Aspercentage of total
Total Aspercentage of total
Total As percentage of total
2000 19,395 3,340 17 15,580 80 475 2 2001 43,415 8,155 19 34,440 79 825 2 2002 64,405 13,875 22 48,845 76 1,685 3 2003 Q1 20,595 3,480 17 16,445 80 670 3 Q2 19,345 4,060 21 14,875 77 415 2 1Figures, other than percentages, rounded to the nearest 5. Numbers might not add up due to rounding. 2 Data for 2002 and 2003 are provisional. 3 Based on information supplied by the Department for Constitutional Affairs. Determinations do not necessarily relate to appeals received in the same period. 4 Based on data supplied from the Presenting Officers Unit within the Home Office. Note: Estimate. Figures rounded to the nearest hundred, and subject to later revision.
Further appeals to the Tribunal, decisions, and the outcome of tribunal hearings, excluding dependants, 2000 to 2002
1Number of principal appellants Applications for leave to appeal to the tribunal
2Appeal to the tribunal2 Applications Decisions Received Determined 2000 6,020 5,490 1,615 2,635 2001 15,540 13,540 3,860 3,190 2002(P) 25,600 22,825 6,920 5,565 708W
Number of principal appellants Outcome of Tribunal Hearings3 Appellant Secretary of State Allowed Dismissed Withdrawn Allowed Dismissed Withdrawn 2000 650 1,225 185 170 165 35 2001 315 1,020 25 160 120 25 20024 410 1,880 210 215 130 15 1 Figures rounded to the nearest 5. Numbers might not add up due to rounding. 2 Figures based on data supplied by the Department for Constitutional Affairs. Decisions and determinations do not necessarily correspond to applications and appeals received in any given year. 3 Figures supplied by the Presenting Officers Unit. Figures for October—December 1999 are based on data for November-December. 4 Provisional figures. Note: Revised figures. tribunal (including those brought by the Secretary of State), and applications for judicial review in the last three years. Only a proportion of those that are refused asylum lodge appeals, and the majority of appeals are dismissed.
Cases are determined according to their individual merits. The figures relate to numbers of cases; appeals determined by the IAA may relate to initial decisions made in previous years, and appeals determined by the IAT may relate to cases determined at the IAA made in previous years.
Number of principal appellants Outcome of tribunal hearings3 Allowed Dismissed Withdrawn Remitted to adjudicators
for further
2000 815 1,385 220 215 2001 475 1,140 150 1,430 20024 620 2,015 225 2,700
Applications for judicial review, and outcomes, excluding dependants, 1994 to 2002 Applications for leave to move for judicial review1 Applications Decisions2 of which granted
leave to
Percentage of applicants
granted leave to
3Total 20006 1,920 2,095 555 (26) 365 20016 2,210 2,300 290 (13) 260 20027 3,075 2,980 260 (9) 25
The outcome of judicial review hearings1 Allowed4 Dismissed6 Withdrawn As percentage of total
Total As percentage of total
Total As percentage of total
20006 (48) 300 (40) 95 (12) 20016 (68) 60 (16) 60 (16) 20027 (30) 60 (67) 5 (3) 1 Figures based on Administrative Court data. Figures (other than percentages) rounded to the nearest 5 with. = 1 or 2.
2 Decisions do not relate to applications in any given period.
3 The number of which granted leave to move as a percentage of decisions.
4 The decision of the respondent (in this case, the Home Office or the Department for Constitutional Affairs) was quashed. These figures include consent orders where the JR was conceded by the respondent.
5 The decision of the respondent was upheld.
6 Figures exclude judicial reviews brought in cases relating to asylum support (NASS).
7 Provisional figures.
Figures on asylum appeals are published quarterly and are available on the Home Office Research Development and Statistics Directorate web site at http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/immigration1. html