HC Deb 13 November 2003 vol 413 c437W
Mr. Edwards

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will make a statement on the closure of

Table 1
Gust wind

speed (Knots)

Threshold requirement

(i.e. criteria set within the monitoring equipment)


(i.e. Action to he Taken)

30 30 Knots exceeded six times within any 10 minute period All matrix signs to be set to indicate 40MPH
35 35 Knots exceeded three times in any 10-minute period.

Leeward lane identified by wind direction

Alternate matrix signs to be amended to indicate leeward

lane closed in each direction.

40 40 Knots exceeded six times in any 10 minute period Introduce height restriction strategy, (if unavailable close

to all traffic)

Decreasing No gust has exceeded 30 knots within 30 minute period Seek authority to remove the imposed restrictions

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