HC Deb 11 November 2003 vol 413 cc266-70W
Hugh Bayley

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many GPs there were in York in each year since 1992. [135955]

Miss Melanie Johnson

Figures for the number of general practitioners in York are not held centrally. The tables show the nearest geographical match for which figures are held centrally.

All general medical practitioners (excluding retainers)1 for North Yorkshire Health Authority
North Yorkshire Health Authority QDR
1992 459
1993 471
1994 477
1995 490
1996 490
1997 493
1998 498
1999 509
2000 522
2001 525
1All practitioners (excluding GP retainers) includes GMS unrestricted principals, PMS contracted GPs, PMS salaried GPs, restricted principals, assistants, GP registrars, salaried doctors (Para 52 SFA) and PMS other.
Data as at 1 October 1992 to 1999 and 30 September 2000k to 2001.


Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics

All general medical practitioners (excluding retainers)1 for Selby and York
numbers (headcount)
York PCG Selby PCG Selby and York PCT
4YT24 4DK03 5E2
1999 134 44 2
2000 138 44 2
2001 2 2 182
March 2002 2 2 190
2002 2 2 197
March 2003 2 2 202
June 2003 2 2 204
1All practitioners (excluding GP retainers) includes GMS unrestricted principals, PMS contracted GPs, PMS salaried GPs, restricted principals, assistants, GP registrars, salaried doctors (Para 52 SFA), PMS Other and flexible career schemes.
2not available.
Data as at 1 October 1999, 30 September 2000 to 2002, 30 March 2002 to 2003 and 30 June 2003.


Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics

Hugh Bayley

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many(a) nurses, (b) non-medical, non-nursing care workers and (c) administrative staff were employed in GP practices in each year since 1992. [135956]

Mr. Hutton

The number of practice staff (whole time equivalent) including nurses and administrative staff, broken down by category, employed in general practitioner (GP) practices in each year since 1992 is shown in table 1.

The number of practice staff and practice nurses (headcount) employed in GP practices in each year since 1992 is shown in table 2.

Information on non-medical, non-nursing care workers is not available. However, it is likely that they are included in the direct patient care category.

Table 1—Practice staff1 by type 1992 to 2002–England
whole time equivalents
of which:
Practice staff1 Practice nurse Direct patient care Admin. and clerical Other
1992 51,020 9,121 1,210 39,950 739
1993 53,952 9,605 1,218 42,349 781
1994 51,833 9,099 1,196 41,299 239
1995 59,255 9,745 1,577 47,353 579
1996 59,318 9,821 1,486 47,637 374
1997 60,579 10,082 1,521 48,341 635
1998 61,331 10,358 1,744 48,885 342
1999 63,087 10,689 1,876 49,990 531
2000 62,583 10,711 1,866 49,529 477
2001 64,998 11,163 2,090 51,390 355
2002 67,107 11,998 2,511 51,444 1,154
Percentage increase 1992 to 2002 31.5 31.5 107.6 28.8 56.1
1 Practice staff includes practice nurses, direct patient care, admin. and clerical and other.
Data as at 1 October 1992 to 1999 and 30 September 2000 to 2002.


Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics.

Table 2—Practice staff1by type 1992 to 2002–England
numbers (headcount)
Practice staff1 of which: Practice nurse
1992 80,213 216,635
1993 84,185 217,517
1994 84,211 16,500
1995 97,794 18,243
1996 97,379 17,898
1997 100,047 18,389
1998 100,975 218,894
1999 105,828 219,495
2000 102,270 19,200
2001 104,319 19,846
2002 107,275 20,983
Percentage increase 1992 to 2002 33.7 26.1
1Practice staff includes practice nurses, direct patient care, admin. and clerical and other.
2 Headcount practice nurse figures are estimated for these years.
1. Headcount figures for other types of practice staff are not available separately.
2. Data as at 1 October 1992 to 1999 and 30 September 2000 to 2002.


Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics.

Hugh Bayley

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many patients were registered with GP practices in York in each year since 1992. [135957]

Miss Melanie Johnson

The information is not available in the form requested. The tables show the numbers of patients registered with general practitioners in the areas that most closely correspond to York.

Patients of Unrestricted Principals and Equivalents (UPEs)1 for North Yorkshire health authority
Number (headcount)
North Yorkshire HAQDR
1992 715,117
1993 726,107
1994 731,641
1995 738,096
1996 739,885
1997 745,228
1998 727,159
1999 754,476
2000 751,292
2001 757,341
1UPEs include GMS unrestricted principals, PMS Contracted GP and PMS Salaried GPs.
Data as at 1 October 1992–99 land 30 September 2000–01


Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics.

patients of Unrestricted Principals and Equivalents (UPEs)1 for Selby and York
Number (headcount)
1999 2000 2001 2002
Selby PCG 4DK03 67.506 67,546
York PCG 4YT24 209,391 207,696
York and Selby PCTPCT 5E2 277,918 280,633
1UPEs include GMS Unrestricted Principals, PMS Contracted GPs and PMS Salaried GPs.
Data as at 1 October 1999 and 30 September 2000–02


Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics.

Hugh Bayley

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many operations for(a) cataracts, (b) hernia, (c) hip replacement and (d) knee replacement were carried out at York District Hospital in each year since 1992. [135961]

Miss Melanie Johnson

The information requested is shown in the table.

All operations (OPCS4 codes in brackets) Cataracts, Inguinal hernia, Hip replacement and Knee replacement procedures: Trust Provider of Treatment RGB York Health NHS Trust
NHS hospitals, 1992– to 2001–02

Consultant Episodes

Count of Finished
Procedure grouping
Cataracts(C71,C72,C74,C75) Inguinal hernia(T19-T21) Hip replacement(W37-W39) Knee replacement(W40-W42)
1992–93 750 529 239 93
1993–94 874 504 266 115
1994–95 989 511 298 120
1995–96 867 544 274 155
1996–97 1,010 551 271 163
1997–98 1,035 397 256 174
1998–99 1,337 493 313 213
1999–2000 1,448 473 298 209
2000–01 1,392 442 342 233
2001–02 1,357 500 371 246


Finished Consultant Episode (FCE)

An FCE is defined as a period of admitted patient care under one consultant within one healthcare provider. Please note that the figures do not represent the number of patients, as a person may have more than one episode of care within the year.


Figures are grossed for both coverage and missing/invalid clinical data, except for 2001–02 which is not yet adjusted for shortfalls.

All Operations count of Episodes

These figures represent a count of all FCE's where the procedure was mentioned in any of the 12 (four prior to 2002–03) operation fields in a HES record. A record is only included once in each count, even if an operation is mentioned in more than one operation field of the record.


Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Department of Health