HL Deb 03 November 2003 vol 654 cc65-6WA
Lord Jopling

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish a table showing the number of hours of consideration given to completed Committee stages of each government Bill in the current Session in each House of Parliament. [HL4980]

The Lord President of the Council (Baroness Amos)

The following table shows the number of hours spent in Committee in both Houses on each government Bill this Session.

Figures are given to the nearest hour (or 15 minutes when Committee took under 1 hour).

Bill Approximate time in Committee in the House of Lords¹ Approximate time in Committee in the Home of Commons²
Anti-social Behaviour 16 hrs 28 hrs
Arms Control and Disarmament (Inspections) 15 mins 30 mins
Communications 45 hrs 64 hrs
Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) 11 hrs 10 hrs
Consolidated Fund negatived formal
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) negatived formal
Courts 27 hrs 13 hrs
+Crime (International Co-operation) 7 hrs 19 hrs
Criminal Justice 60 hrs 85 hrs
+ Electricity (Miscellaneous Provisions) 3 hrs 3 hrs
+ European Parliament (Representation) 2 hrs 12 hrs
European Union (Accessions) 15 mins 3 hrs
+ Extradition 35 hrs 16 hrs
Finance negatived 68 hrs
+ Fire Services 11 hrs 5 hrs
+ Health (Wales) 2 hrs 6 hrs
Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) 39 hrs 53 hrs
Hunting not completed 81 hrs
Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) negatived 3 hrs
Industrial Development (Financial Assistance) negatived 1 hr
Licensing 31 hrs 43 hrs
+ Local Government 30 hrs 37 hrs
National Minimum Wage (Enforcement Notices) 15 mins 30 mins
Northern Ireland (Monitoring Commission) 2 hrs 2 hrs
Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections and Periods of Suspension) 15 mins 30 mins

Bill Approximate time in Committee in the House of Lords¹ Approximate time in Committee in the House of Commons²
Northern Ireland Assembly Elections 0 mins✶✶ 30 mins
Planning and Compulsory Purchase (Carried over in the Commons) 31 hrs
+Police (Northern Ireland) 6 hrs✶✶ 16 hrs
+Railways and Transport Safety 8 hrs 38 hrs
Regional Assemblies (Preparations) 22 hrs 28 hrs
Sexual Offences 31 hrs 24 hrs
+Waste and Emissions Trading 8 hrs 21 hrs
+Water 27 hrs 13 hrs
+ = Taken in Grand Committee in the House of Lords
✶✶ These figures are different from those given in House of Lords Written Answer 4918. This is due to a clerical error when working out the previous answer.
¹ No official figures are kept of this information. Figures in the table are calculated from the House of Lords Official Report (Hansard). Figures include any divisions held but do not include time where Committee was adjourned for statements or dinner break business.
² No official figures are kept of this information. Figures in the table are calculated from the House of Commons Official Report (Hansard) and have been verified by Bill Teams. Programming committees, Money Resolutions and motions for approval etc are not included.