HC Deb 23 May 2003 vol 406 cc74-5W
Mr. Coleman

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what grants have been made by his Department to local authorities for 2003–04 in England broken down by local authority; and whether the grant is(a) ring fenced, (b) a specific formula grant, (c) within aggregate external finance and (d) outside aggregate external finance. [114918]

Jacqui Smith

The table shows the ring fenced and specific formula grants which have been announced by the Department of Health for 2003–04.

£ million
Grant Specific






Preserved Rights 508.523
Delayed Discharges 50.000
Mental Health 133.500
Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services


AIDS Support 16.500
Training Support Programme 56.500
Secure Accommodation
(capital) 6.228
(revenue) 0.014
Children"s Services
(revenue) 557.000
(capital) 9.500
Carers 100.000
Deferred Payments 40.000
Improving Information Management 25.000
Care Direct 2.187
Young People"s Substance Misuse Planning 6.745
Teenage Pregnancy Local Implementation 27.390
Performance Fund 100.000
£ million
Grant Specific






Access and Systems Capacity 170.000
National Training Strategy 24.884
Human Resources Development Strategy 9.525

All grants paid to local authorities by the Department of Health are within aggregate external finance except for secure accommodation (capital), children"s services (capital) and improving information management.

Information on local authorities",grant allocations for access and systems capacity, carers, deferred payments, mental health, child and adult mental health service (CAMHS), performance fund, teenage pregnancy local implementation, training support, young people"s substance misuse and Care Direct has been placed in the Library. In the case of mental health, CAMHS, performance fund and training support the full amount of grant available has not yet been allocated.

Allocations for preserved rights, delayed discharges, AIDS support, secure accommodation, children"s services, improving information management, national training strategy and human resources development strategy grants have yet to be finalised.

The funding level for the residential allowance grant is still to be decided.